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服食一种能维持病状的药散。Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill.

小麦黄花叶病的病状是黄色花叶。The symptoms of WYMV on wheat plant are yellow mosaic.

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怀孕期间的生理变化可能使病状加重。Hormonal changes during pregnancy may worsen the symptoms.

然而,许多不良事件属于偶合病状。Many events are, however, coincidental medical conditions.

什么样的病状可以使用高压氧治疗?。What kind of pathology can use high- pressured oxygen treatment?

"如果你有这些病状,打电话吧,"Marcovitz建议道。""If you're having symptoms, make the phone call," advised Marcovitz.

也有一小部分人是在几年后才呈现出病状。A small proportion of people, however, developed symptoms years later.

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3月13日,一名10岁女童在出现病状后被送进医院。On March 13, a 10-year-old girl was admitted to the hospital with symptoms.

验尿报告中含有白细胞属于何种病状?Is leucocyte contained to belong to in urinalysis report why to plant pathology?

在病状出现之初及早处理,病毒就不能正常构造它们的蛋白质。Taken early when symptoms first appear, viruses cannot build their proteins properly.

报告这些偶合病状可能导致不适当的恐惧和主观臆断。The reporting of such coincidental conditions can lead to undue fears and allegations.

一名两岁的男童于3月15日出现病状并于次日被送进医院。A 2-year-old boy developed symptoms March 15 and was admitted to the hospital the next day.

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麻疹几种其他疾病,尤指德目麻疹,引起相似、但病状略轻的病征。Any of several other diseases, especially German measles, that cause similar but milder symptoms.

出现头昏,干呕,吃不下东西,看见油腻的东西就会想吐是什么病状呢?Appear dazed , retch, thing of not feel like eating, see fat thing is met what pathology is keck?

这些食品可以会引起身体很多的病状,例如,肥胖症,糖尿病等等的疾病。These kinds of provisions will cause many diseases like adiposity and diabetes mellitus and so on.

相反,它是那种苦痛利用人的全部思想自我折射出的诸遭病状之一。Rather, it is one of the symptoms of that ailment which reflects it throughout a man's whole thought.

对中老年人的风湿、关节炎具有减轻病状,加快病症痊愈的疗效。同时,可预防中风及静脉曲张等多种老年疾病。It can ease ache and accelerate healing of rheumatism and arthritis for mid-age people and old people.

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当疲劳好像是一种病状时,你需要化学治疗或休息来使之消失。When fatigue appears as a symptom of a disease or illness you may need chemotherapy or rest to get out of it.

甲状腺功能减退性心脏由于心脏症病状常不显著,极易造成误诊。As the clinical manifestation of hypothyroid heart disease is often subtle, it is very easy to be misdiagnosed.

手肘弯曲超过90度时,有易患此病体质的人可能就会出现病状。A person with a predisposition to this problem may become symptomatic when the elbow is flexed beyond 90 degrees.