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泊头是以重工业为主的老工业基地。Botou is mainly the old heavy industrial base.

三明是福建省的重工业基地。Sanming is Fujian Province's heavy industrial base.

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许多情况下,价值对重工业来说是过轻的一个词汇。In many cases, value is way too mild a word for the heavy industrials.

在此期间,重工业成为杨浦特色的一部分。During this time heavy industries became a characteristic part of Yangpu.

业、煤矿业和重工业的发展状态不佳。Agriculture, textiles, coal mining and heavy industry are all doing badly.

集团总部位于中国重工业基地——沈阳。The headquarter of SYM locates at the heavy industry base of China-Shenyang.

唐山市是一个以重工业为主的老工业城市。Tangshan is such an old industry city that its industrial structure is heavy.

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此项研究将重工业的发展归咎于激烈的国内竞争。The study blames the growth of heavy industry on cut-throat internal competition.

日本占领期间,沉阳是一个重工业发展为中心。During the Japanese occupation, Shenyang was developed into a heavy industry center.

中国的空气污染很严重,尤其在重工业城市中。Air pollution in Chian is extremely serious, especially in cities with heavy industry.

上市公司中,轻、重工业的主要企业都受到了重挫。Among publicly traded companies, bellwethers of both light and heavy industry are suffering.

美国经济在那时也主要基于重工业和粗放生产能力。The United States economy, at one time, was based on heavy industries and raw production capacity.

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其中重工业和国有工业产销率水平较高。Among them heavy industry and level of rate of produce and sale of state owned industry are higher.

铁路建设极大地带动了煤铁钢等重工业的发展。Railway construction has greatly driven the development of heavy industries such as coal and steel.

在北京气流区域的边远省份有很多重工业。In the outlying provinces that are part of Beijing's airshed, there is a great deal of heavy industry.

华东重工业区的浙江省正经历2004年以来最严重的电力短缺。Industry-heavy Zhejiang Province, in eastern China, is experiencing its worst power shortages since 2004.

在中国,我向几家重工业公司提了这个问题,事实上他们说很快。I put this question to a bunch of heavy industrial companies in China, and they said quite soon, actually.

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传统体制下的工资与就业制度是为优先发展重工业战略服务的。The salary-employment mechanism under traditional system gives priority to the development of heavy industry.

高耗能的重工业,例如钢铁和水泥业,在去年中国经济下滑的过程中受击最重。Energy-guzzling heavy industries, such as steel and cement, bore the brunt of China's downturn late last year.

重工业是国民经济发展的基石,轻工业却是发展的龙头。Heavy industry is the cornerstone of national economic development, light industry is leading the development.