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有人陪同生活才会更美妙。Life's better with company.

我陪同我的客人去了我的办公室。I escorted my guest to my offfice.

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他陪同一些客人到楼下去吃饭。He took some guests down to dinner.

他由朋友陪同去听音乐会。He come to the concert with friends.

我扮演着法官,陪同审判团,罪犯和遭到杀害者。I play judge, jury, convict and victim.

陪同审判团正在考虑裁决。The jury are considering their verdict.

玛丽陪同我们一起去简的家。Mary went along with us to Jane's house.

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陪同嫦娥,并捣制长生不老药。Accompanied Chang, and ramming system elixir.

当我生病时,您老是陪同着我。When I was ailing, you invariably stood by me.

他似乎有无限时间专来陪同我们。He seemed to have unlimited time to devote to us.

大使由他的夫人陈晚霞陪同。The envoy was accompanied by his wife, Chen Wangxia.

访客必须在赛诺菲安万特公司员工的陪同下才可以进入。Visitors must be accompanied by someone from Sanofi.

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在领导的陪同下,他们参观了医院。Accompanied by the leader, they visited the hospital.

夏普勒斯在五郎的陪同下来找蝴蝶。Sharpless, guided by Goro, pays a visit to Butterfly.

事实上,只有在一名“红军”的陪同下,我才能到处走走。In fact, I could only go around with a Red Army escort.

事实上,只有在一名翦“红军”的陪同下,我才能到处走走。In fact, I could only go around with a Red Army escort.

吴邦国委员长的其他陪同人员同机抵达。Other accompanying officials arrived by the same plane.

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吴邦国委员长的其他陪同人员同机抵达。Chairman Wu's other companions arrived in the same plane.

在市长陪同下我访问了几户人家。I called at some of the houses, accompanied by the mayor.

只有奥德尔与欧文身体状况尚好,可以陪同他。Only Odell and Irvine were in a fit state to partner him.