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正在装置一门炮。Shot fired from a gun.

这台洗矿装置太旧了。The dolly is very old.

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语音应答装置?。VAB? Voice Answer Back?

他们给房顶装置了防火设备。They fireproofed a roof.

整个装置为50公分高。Entire unit is 50cm high.

正在装置一门炮。The gun is being mounted.

直观显示装置?。VDU? Visual Display Unit?

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达内尔有一个简单的毒液采集装置。Darnell has a simple setup.

隐藏式自动平衡装置。Hidden auto-balance device.

主缸加压装置。Kier pressurization device.

无法创建球体装置。Unable to create d3d device.

道路标示作図装置。A road surface drawing device.

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垫刀条顶出装置。Ejecting device for knife bar.

那么可能是启动装置吗?Perhaps it's the starter then?

自动装置运转很灵活。The automatic works very well.

加衬导流无纺布装置。Add lead-flow N. W fabric unit.

有皮带走偏报警装置。Deviate a belt warning devices.

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这是一种实用的理想节能启动装置。It is a useful start equipment.

安全带和儿童约束装置Seat-belts and child restraints

这架飞机有两套操纵装置。The airplane had dual controls.