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能让时光倒流吗?Can I turn back the clock?

开释时之砂能够让时光倒流。Releasing the Sand turns back time.

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山崩地裂水倒流。Landslide ground crack water flow back.

假若时光倒流,我还能不能够。If the clock back, I can not be able to.

来一次时光倒流旅行吧。Let's take a journey backwards through time.

如果你想让时光倒流,到义大利一游吧。If you want to step back in time, go to Italy.

水从排水管倒流到地板上。The water backed onto the floor from the drain.

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他稍后表示,水还可以倒流回来。And later, he says, water can flow back in again.

它有“时光倒流”和“摔出好运气”的空间。It had room for happy accidents and lucky breaks.

把它的分针向回拨,时光于是倒流。Turn back the minute hand, the time will be bake.

我们向他请教这台设备如何能够看到时光倒流。We asked him how the device can look back in time.

这可防止管型下的尿液倒流。This prevents urine from running back under the cast.

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因为岁月无法倒流,生命也不会伫足于昨日。For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

因为生命无法倒流,也不会滞留于昨日。For life goes not backward not tarries with yesterday.

如果时光能倒流,我定会好好爱你。If time can turn the clock back, I will love you well.

塞好浴缸与水槽的下水口,以免污水倒流。Plug bathtub and sink drains to prevent sewage backup.

下水道的水倒流回家中。Any situation in which raw sewage is backing up into the home.

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今天,我很想时光倒流,回首自己过去那段时间。Today, I wish I could go back in time and visit myself back then.

结论鼻分泌物倒流咽部也是引起慢性咳嗽的常见原因之一。Conclusion Blackflow of the secrections is a common cause of chronic cough.

换言之,老穆希望洋基能够时光倒流到那个第七局。In other words, Mussina wishes the team could have that seventh inning back.