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乔许亚是业馀的网球选手,但他希望有一天能转战职业。Joshua is an amateur tennis player, but he hopes to turn professional one day.

刘永行转战上海,在铝业、发电厂和金融产业上进行投资。Yongxing moved to Shanghai and invested in aluminum, power plants and finance.

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很快,他从商业界转战制糖、面粉和水泥界。Rapidly grew business into conglomerate with interests in sugar, flour and cement.

不过,联想现在转战的消费者市场却是强手如云、竞争激烈。But as Lenovo takes aim at consumers, it is looking at a crowded, competitive market.

传奇漫画家达夫•麦克基恩以一部惊人的处女作转战到电影领域。Comic-book art legend Dave McKean has taken to moving pictures with a dazzling debut.

现在想想,我拖着我的企鹅身材转战南北吃喝,也真是精力充沛呀。Haha, I am so energetic, considering taking such a penguin body to travel around to eat.

网球精英从法国公开赛的红黏土转战温布尔登的绿草地。The tennis elite moves from the red clay of the French Open to the green grass of Wimbledon.

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莎娃表示,她的网球生涯结束后,她将“转战”时尚领域。Once her tennis career is over, she said, fashion is something she'd like to further explore.

不论事西班牙媒体,还是意大利媒体都预言这位26岁的多面手很快将转战伯纳乌。Reports in Spain and Italy have linked the versatile 26-year-old with a move to the Bernabeu.

有些注重服装品质的女士只好转战男装部购买衣服。Some women who value well-made clothing have even resorted to shopping in menswear departments.

日军偷袭珍珠港后的第二天,他就自愿应征入伍,在巴顿将军麾下,转战南北,横扫欧洲。The day after Pearl Harbor he signed up for duty, joined Patton's army and marched across Europe.

随着一姐佘诗曼转战内地,TVB艺人流失情势已经十分严峻。He moved to the mainland with a sister Charmaine Sheh, TVB artist loss situation has been very serious.

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1937年世博会转战发过巴黎,并为它提供了在现代生活下的艺术和技术的主题。In 1937, the World's Fair headed to Paris, which gave it the theme of Art and Technology in Modern Life.

在打出一个劲爆炫目的赛季之后,你却结束了自己在欧洲的职业生涯并转战中国。After a stunning season in Poland you did not continued your career in Europe and moved to play in China.

他还指出很多国际象棋好手都转战扑克业,除了这点原因以外,还有就是扑克更好赚钱。He also notes that many chess professionals are moving into poker, not least because the money is better.

“我们有些供应商正在转战中国内地,以躲避劳动力成本的上升,”他表示。"Some of our vendors are moving further into China in order to obviate the higher labour costs, " he said.

从城市转战乡村,这一对幸存者离开亚特兰大后又将会在高速公路上遇到怎样不同寻常的威胁呢?Look for the action to go rural, as the group leaves Atlanta and encounters an unusual threat on the highway.

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在圣诞节,两军离开各自的阵地转战其他阵地进行大规模屠杀。On Christmas Day, both armies moved from their positions to engage in the killing of war at other battlefields.

在押人员均为也门人,大多数为从伊拉克“转战”回国的武装人员,被捕后一直关押在这里。Detainees are Yemenis, most of them from Iraq "fought" back of the militants, was arrested and has been held there.

现年33岁的科比,曾在他父亲乔布莱恩特在1984年至1991年转战5支球队期间在意大利生活。The 33-year-old Bryant spent several years in Italy when his father, Joe Bryant, played on five teams from 1984-91.