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黄河入海流。The Yellow River seawards flows.

为了你,海流潮起又潮落!The oceans ebb and flow for You.

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黄河入海流。Seawards rushes the Yellow River.

受风驱动的海流也有同样的变化。Currents generated by the winds likewise vary.

海流有时被称作“海洋中的河流”。Ocean currents are sometime called "rivers in the sea.

系统采用ADCP剖面海流计、S4浪流潮仪等先进传感器。The system use ADCP, S4, and other advanced instruments.

这个系统甚至可以捕捉到实时的海流活动。The system can even be used to spot rip currents in real time.

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“看这海流,明儿会是个好日子,”他说。"Tomorrow is going to be a good day with this current, " he said.

还有一股沿陡峭陆架坡向东北流动的海流。Another ocean current flows northeast along the steep continental shelf.

每一个波浪都把他推倒,而且海流不断把他冲回海中去。Each wave threw him down and the current kept pulling him back into the sea.

当海马不想被海流冲走时,它可以用尾巴抓住海草。To resist the ocean currents, it grasps its own personal piece of sea-grass.

就在这时候,海流也赶了上来,他已经完全够不着海底了。At the same time, the current caught him, and he could no longer touch bottom.

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上涌的海流也能从海洋深处带来奇异的能发光的生物。The upwelling of currents can also bring to light exotic creatures from the deep.

表面风是控制非潮汐的海流表面浪的基本营力。The surface wind is the principal agent controlling nontidal currents'surface waves.

为了横渡地球上广袤的大海,人类学会了利用海风和海流来航行。In order to traverse Earth's oceans, humans learned to navigate its winds and currents.

海流土壤盐分组成特征是以碱性盐为主,又有较多的中性盐存在。The character of salt content of Hai-Liu soil, is major basic salt and lot neutral salt.

虽然个别小筏,他们速度快,不能完全依赖于风海流。Though small individual craft, they were fast and not totally dependent on wind currents.

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琉球海流是琉球群岛以东一支东北向的西边界流。The Ryukyu Current is a northeastward and western boundary current east of Ryukyu Islands.

合理有效的三维海流模式是溢油环境预测的根本保证。A rational and efficient 3-D current model is the basis of oil spill environmental forecast.

本文通过数值试验,对辽东湾顶部海流的某些基本特征作了初步探讨。A numerical experiment was carried out to reveal the current features in the Liaodong Bayhead.