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这个王子也对兵役没兴趣He also didn't like military service.

你没有债务,没有仇家,四年的兵役。You've got no debts, no enimies, four years of service.

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但兵役制度在其他国家引起了强大的反响。But the subject arouses strong emotions in other countries.

相反,他在司法部谋得了一个可以免除兵役的位置。Instead, he took a draft-exempt job at the Justice Department.

每个年青人,不论是可情愿,皆得服三年兵役。Willy-nilly, every youth must serve in the army for three years.

我的哥哥们都服了兵役,为国效力。Each of my brothers served his time in the service of this country.

他的定期兵役就要结束了,但他还想继续当兵。His regular engagement ends soon, but he's thinking of soldiering on.

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一些人认为选举中的关键是我规避兵役事件和珍妮弗.弗劳尔斯风波。Some people thought the election was about the draft and Gennifer Flowers.

不过,偷逃欠缴的税费或者兵役是不允许的。This does not allow a person to escape old tax bills or militaryobligations.

在某些国家,所有年轻力壮的男子都必须服两年或三年的兵役。In some countries every healthy young man must do 2 or 3 years' military service.

当你服满兵役,又得去工厂挥汗干活,尽量多喝一品脱啤酒and when they let you out, you sweat again in a factory, grabbing for an extra pint

身体健全的男性公民都得服完两年义务兵役。All able-bodies male citizens must serve out a two-year compulsory military service.

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并且法律规定每个伊朗男性到19岁时都要服满18个月的兵役。Iranian males are obliged by law to perform 18 months of military service at age 19.

允许新兵付钱让人代替他的兵役,这种做法可以继续执行。The practice of allowing a conscript to pay someone to take his place should be continued.

保留期限以一年为限,但因兵役因素者,不在此限。The period for retainment is limited to one year except for the reason of military service.

宪法规定,所有的男青年都要服一年兵役。According to the Constitution of the country all the young men do a year's military service.

我说也许会把规避兵役的问题回答得更好,但我仍然认为越战是一个错误。I said I might answer the draft questions better, but I still thought Vietnam was a mistake.

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如今约有七十个国家保留了兵役制度,其中大多是高人口密度,低收入国家,泰国就是其中之一。Thailand is one of some 70 states, mostly people-rich and cash-poor, that retain conscription.

自2001年起,超过200万兵役的人员被派到中东地区。Since 2001, more than 2 million military service members have been deployed to the Middle East.

还是那个夏天,在越南服了两个轮期的兵役后,我的哥哥在南布朗克斯被人杀死了。That same summer, after serving two tours in Vietnam, my brother was killed in the South Bronx.