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国富民强是中国人民的共同愿望。When a country is wealthy and its people are powerful.

今天,我们终于国富民强,再也没有人敢欺负我们了。Today we finally establishment no one dare to bully us.

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高新科技日月异,国富民强群所愿。Different high-tech sun and the moon, wealthy and strong group wished.

中国走上了民族独立,人民解放,国富民强的光辉道路。China is well on the way to independence, liberation, power and wealth.

改革开放谋发展,国富民强小康现。Reform and opening up and development, wealthy and strong well-off now.

我就想不明白了,难道中国人不明白,靠贸易保护是永远没法实现国富民强的?I don't understand. Don't the Chinese know that their protectionism will never lead to prosperity?

中国康熙时代,已经是国富民强,一片盛世景象。Chinese Kang Xi times, had been the country enrichs the people strong, picture of a flourishing age.

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自由贸易或自由的政府是否更有利于国富民强?Has a free trade or a free Government the greater effect inpromoting the wealth and strength of a Nation?

美国的国富民强是那些经济在战争中遭到破坏的欧亚诸国做梦也想不到的。America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.

民主和科学是五四运动的两面旗帜,也是中国近代以来实现国富民强的必由之路。Democracy and science are two flags of the May 4th Movement, are also the only way for Chinese nation's great rejuvenation since 1840.

影片描述了在党的领导下中国终于走上了民族独立,解放,国富民强的光辉道路。It describes the party's influence as having led China down a glorious path of ethnic independence, liberation, national wealth and strength.

县域是我国的基层行政单元,县域经济是我国国民经济的基础,加速发展县域经济是我国富民强国的重要途径。County is the basic administrative unit in our country, which is the foundation of our national economics and is an important road to accelerate national progress.

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中唐以前,国富民强,成为茶饮文化极为有利的发展条件,佛、道二教对于茶饮亦十分鼓励。The overall nation's wealth before the middle of the Tang Dynasty and the prosperous economic status have created a favorable development environment for tea culture.

在19世纪90年代,为推进中国的近代化,实现国富民强的理想,先进的中国人进行了不屈不挠的艰辛探索。In the 1990s, in order to promote Chinese modernization and realize the ideals of nation's wealthy and prosperousness, the advanced Chinese people carried out dauntless and hard exploration.

孔子学院和汉语热的兴起印证了“国富民强,国强语盛”。The emergence of Confucius Institute and the craze for Chinese language serves as a solid proof that “only a prosperous country can guarantee the well-being of its people and popularize its language”.