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在这里中西合璧,完美的组合了。This is really the perfect ideal of Chinese and Western combine style.

我学今日用中西何合璧帮我睇病嘅嗰个医生。I learn from the doctor who have to use chinese and western medical for me.

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武人在文人的帮助之下建设有中西合璧的私家园林。Warlords built private gardens in Chinese and west styles with literary' help.

武人在文人的帮助之下建设有中西合璧的私家园林。Warlords built private gardens in Chinese and west styles with literatus' help.

台湾的摇滚乐团五月天也希望能与他们有一次中西合璧的演出呢!Taiwanese rock band Mayday was to open the shows in a mixture of East meets West.

张大力的油画,当然是一种东西合璧。Dali Zhang's painting, of course, is a combination of Chinese and Western elements.

酒店的早点是中西合璧的。Breakfast at the hotel was an interesting mix of foreign and local breakfast options.

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这两名前锋如果双剑合璧,比利时将劫数难逃。If the two forward combination Shuangjian, Belgium Jieshuo will not be able to escape.

完整的高中课程教育,中西合璧培育优秀世界公民。Basically, it is secondary education, and our goal is to cultivate first-class citizens.

我们向你介绍一些英汉合璧的俚语和谚语,帮助你的英语学习更上一层楼。We introduce some of the bilingual slangs and the proverbs, may help your English study.

中式元素与西方元素并存的花园就形成了中西合璧的风格。It forms a kind of fusion of Western and Chinese styles when the two coexist in one garden.

很荣幸能够成为八甲论坛历史上第二位“双剑合璧”成功抢楼。Bajia Forum is proud to be the second in history, "two-pronged approach" successful grab floor.

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酒店中餐厅经营燕鲍翅和高档潮、粤菜,中西合璧的精典沪、杭菜。Hotel restaurants and high-end Shark Yan Chao, Guangdong, the classic western Shanghai, Kangcai.

因受西方影响,许多建筑都体现了中西合璧的风格。Show Western influence, many of the buildings reflects the combination of Chinese and Western content style.

又将中西合璧的对客生日祝福活动立为本酒店的独有项目。Chinese and Western will be the birthday of the customer-oriented activity Legislative unique hotel projects.

我一直希望成都有“新天地”这样的地方能够体现中西合璧这一概念。It was a long time I was waiting for a Chengdu "Xiantiandi" and such project to truly express "East meets west".

王维诗中“空”与禅的合璧,不仅是一种诗学现象,也是一种文化现象。The combination of emptiness and Buddhism in Wang Wei's poems is not only a poetic but also a cultural phenomenon.

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我们在设计的过程中,首先对这个建筑进行了整形,是它最终能够内外合璧。During the design, we have re-shaped this building and made it achieve its final internal and external integration.

半新半旧的言情主角身上体现了作者新旧合璧的文化理想,爱情选择中渗透着浓郁的文化选择的意味。Leading actors who combine old and new style in love show that the author tried to combine traditional and modern culture.

突破传统的设计思维,展现合璧后的优越气息,予人安定富足之感。The tradition-breaking design concept reveals a superior post-combination quality, giving you a sense of peaceful affluence.