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最后,打烊的时间到了。At last closing time arrived.

在打烊之前我会来的。I'll come before the closing time.

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我打烊清理卫生,也打电话叫了人来修理机器。I closed for clean up and called a repair man.

麦迪逊小道上标志性的星巴克都罕有地打烊收歇。Even a Starbucks on Madison Avenue didn't open.

到了凌晨3点,店打烊了,我们也该走了。Until 3a. m. , the shop closed, I have gone too.

洗碗工经常要负责给餐厅打烊。The dishwashers always closed down the dining hall.

对不起,请问中餐厅什么时候打烊?Excuse me, but when does the Chinese Restaurant close?

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意思是要我们离开了,店快打烊了。That means it's time to go. The store is about to close.

打烊时间已到,需要先结帐,先帮您买单。Closing time is up, they need to checkout before you pay.

但不久酒吧打烊灯亮了,他却还没有要到她的电话号码。Soon the lights were on, and he had yet to get her phone number.

酒馆打烊后,翩翩给了玉琴八个大洋作工钱。Pub after closing time, and gave the jade lute eight ocean for wages.

一天晚上打烊后,我和朋友开始打扫酒吧。After locking up one night I and the other bar manager were cleaning up.

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阿拉伯人正站在我面前,告诉我他要打烊了。And the Arab stands in front of my telling me that he is going to close.

因为他们打烊了,而且他们不想带走所有的东西。because they were finishing up and they didn't want to carry everything.

经理在晚上打烊前对商店做了最后检查。The manager gave the store a final check-up before closing for the night.

店主在晚上打烊前对商店作了最后检查。The shopkeeper gave his store a final checkup before closing for the night.

夜晚蝶蛹幻化成灯,好让梦想永不打烊。At night, the chrysalises light up, to keep people's dreams forever illuminated.

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但昨日新澳的一位负责人断然否认了业务量下降致门店打烊的说法。An official categorically denied the decline in business to shops to close up shop said.

如果你准备离开两周,清理一下办公桌,会给你一种收工打烊的美好感觉。When you're going off for two weeks, tidying your desk gives you a nice sense of closure.

我问一个服务员我们还能吃饭吗,他抱歉地说他们要打烊了。I asked a waiter if we could get some food and he responded apologetically that they were closing.