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把水烧开泡茶。Boil the water for the tea.

她用开水泡茶。She makes tea with boiling water.

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你能告诉我怎样泡茶吗?Could you tell me how to make tea?

多数的普通人用茶包泡茶。Most commonly people use tea bags.

你也可以用枣子泡茶。You can make tea with jujubes, too.

狱官把芭芭拉放出去泡茶。Barbara out coz she makes their tea.

她只是做针线活和泡茶。She just did needlework and made tea.

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用泡茶的方式进会浸泡。To steep in or as if in the manner of tea.

第三,泡茶前先要暖壶。Thirdly, the pot should be warmed beforehand.

也可以少量加点迷迭香与薄荷,一起来泡茶。Brew into tea with a little rosemary and mint.

泡茶用的水,以天然的山泉水为上。Natural mountain spring water is best for tea.

他们有时也会用塑料热水瓶泡茶。Sometimes they serve tea in plastic thermoses.

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美国人通常用茶袋来泡茶。Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea.

泡茶的壶应为瓷制或陶制。The teapot should be made of china or earthenware.

蒂松用矿泉水或者泉水泡茶。Ms. Tison uses mineral or spring water for brewing.

枸杞子可以泡茶喝,有很强的药用价值。Medlar can be drinking tea, have a strong medicinal value.

这比在茶壶泡茶更快,更容易。Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots.

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现在企鹅泡茶定时器可以帮你代劳啦。Well, the Penguin Tea Timer happily does the waiting for you.

苏姗取来粉色的晨衣,用粉色的瓷杯给他泡茶。Susan got a pink wrapper and got a pink china cup for his tea.

枸杞子可以泡茶喝,有很强的药用价值。Wolfberry can make tea to drink, have a strong medicinal value.