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即使是40吨重的安通娜12型货机也一样。Even 40 ton Atona 12 cargo plane.

我们经常在甲板上修理起货机。We often repair the cargo winches on deck.

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你们何时开始安装起货机?When will you begin to install the cargo winches?

该货机航班号为CZ0455,飞机号为B2071。The cargo flight number CZ0455, aircraft number B2071.

直到下午很晚电工才开始修起货机。It's not till late afternoon that the electrician began to repair the winch.

绞缆机电源与四仓起货机电源是连锁的。The capstan power is inter locked with the power of the No. 4 hold cargo winch.

多年前我曾经在利比亚的黎波里看到过它,停在一些波音747货机旁。Years ago I have seen it in Tripolis, Libya, parked besidesome Boeing 747 Cargo.

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这是六个星期以来第二起货机起飞时发生坠毁事故。The accident is the second fatal crash of a cargo plane on takeoff within six weeks.

一架大型货机在比利时布鲁塞尔机场起飞的时候裂成两半。A large cargo plane split in two while trying to take off a Brussels airport in Belgium.

莎拉自愿与他们一起参与这个打倒“公司”行动,他们登上了一架货机。Sara goes along with the guys on a cargo plane to follow Self and take down the Company.

飞行时她身处C-17货机的腹部地带。Christina Sheridan, 32, earns it by flying blind, deep in the belly of a C-17 cargo plane.

这架“安-12”货机由四具引擎驱动,是俄罗斯最古老的飞机系列之一。The four-engining propeller-driven An-12 was one of the most dated plane series in Russia.

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一架货机起飞后不久就着了大火,坠毁在一片住宅域。A cargo plane crashed into a housing complex shortly after takeoff setting off a huge blaze.

各种自动贩卖机,换币器,售票机,收银机,换货机。Various Automatic Vending Machine, Money Exchanger, Ticket Dispensing Equipment, Cash Register.

本文详细分析了西门子公司“LIEBHERR”单杆起货机控制系统的性能特点和操作功能。The control system of the Siemens-made LIEBHERR single derrick deck winch is analyzed in detail.

因五舱起货机发生故障,工人停止作业。通知机舱抢修。Cargogear in No. 5 hold has broken down, stevedore stopped operation. Notified engine room to repair.

消失之前,该架货机正在向马加丹机场控制塔台请求紧急降落。Disappear before the cargo planes are to Magadan airport control tower requesting an emergency landing.

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失事飞机机型为麦道-11货机。10年前,也有一架麦道-11在上海失事。The plane model cargo plane, a McDonnell Douglas -11. 10 years ago, also has an MD -11 crash in Shanghai.

“11年之后,我开始开一辆威伯科卡车,和装货机和推土机一起工作,”他回忆到。"After 11 years, I got to drive a 100-ton Wabco truck, working with loaders and bulldozers, " he remembers.

竞争对手波音公司提供的KC-767先进加油机,是767-200远程货机的修改版本。Rival Boeing is offering the KC-767 Advanced Tanker, a modified version of its 767-200 long-range freighter.