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月下旬,东北野战军奉命入关。In late November, Northeast Field Army was ordered into the customs.

这是野战军首长拍来的十万火急的电报。This is a signal of the urgent urgency from Field Army Headquarters.

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打仗的时候我们需要野战军的支持。We need the support of the field army when we are in field operations.

东北野战军改为第四野战军,辖四个兵团。And the northeast field army was renamed the fourth field army comprising4armies.

这使得两支野战军发挥有可能轮流充当战役的主力作用。This helped make it possible for the field armies to take turns conducting the main effort for the campaign.

解放战争时期,任华东野战军第十纵队司令员。1955年被授予上将军衔。During the War of Liberation, the column commander of the 10th East China Field Army. 1955 was awarded the rank of General.

庚、有关作战的战术、技术、通信联络、后勤工作诸事宜,由两野战军自行命令规定之。Matters relating to tactics, techniques, communications and logistics of the campaign are to be decided by the two field armies themselves.

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于是,我们野战军才逐步抽出来作宽大机动作战。而前一个时期这样做是不可能的。So, we are now in a position gradually to use our field armies in mobile fighting in a vast area, something which was impossible for us earlier.

草莓麦片粥和麦片干果什锦本是标准的餐馆菜肴,而如今英国野战军也能享用到它们。They wouldn’t be out of place in a gourmet restaurant, but strawberry porridge and muesli will now be enjoyed by British troops on the front line.

在这两次重大军事行动中对两支野战军的应用以及在接下来几周里他们的后续行动,就是所谓的大规模战役法。Employing these two field armies in these two major operations and their sequels over a period of several weeks was operational art on a grand scale.

然而在此期间,刘伯承将军的正规部队扩大了十五到二十倍,从区区六千人发展成为十万野战军。During this period the regular force under Liu multiplied fifteen to twenty times from six thousand men to a mobile force of one hundred thousand men.

运动战的特点之一,是其流动性,不但许可而且要求野战军的大踏步的前进和后退。One of the characteristics of mobile warfare is fluidity, which not only permits but requires a field army to advance and to withdraw in great strides.

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晋冀鲁豫野战军的太岳兵团,八月下旬由晋南强渡黄河,挺进豫西地区。The Taiyueh Army of the Shansi-Hopei-Shantung-Honan Field Army forced the Yellow River from southern Shansi in late August and thrust into western Honan.

晋冀鲁豫野战军的太岳兵团,八月下旬由晋南强渡黄河,挺进豫西地区。The taiyueh army of the shansi-hopei-shantung- honan field army forced the yellow river from southern shansi in late august and thrust into western honan.

产品除了应用于夹克、羽绒服,还是登山服、滑雪服、野战军服、消防服等特殊服装。Products in addition to apply to the jacket, down jacket, also is a mountaineering clothing, ski wear, field uniforms, special clothing such as protective clothing.

东北野战军在攻占锦州后,就立即向东北方面回师,从黑山、大虎山南北两翼合围廖耀湘兵团。After taking Chinchow, the People's Liberation Army immediately swung back to the northeast and closed in on Liao's army from the north and south of Heishan and Tahushan.

一九四八年春季,人民解放军各路野战军,在冬季整训之后,相继发起了春季攻势。In the spring of 1948, following a period of training and consolidation in the previous winter, the field armies of the People's Liberation Army launched successive offensives.

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八路军部队从连、排到野战军都有政治指导员或政治委员,负责政治教育,提高部队士气。Every unit from the platoon up to the commander in chief of a war zone had a political director or a commissar whose duty it was to raise the morale of troops through political education.

华野和中野的大部分作战行动是进攻性的,但是为了调动敌军,给随后的攻击创造战机,两支野战军也进行了若干防御性作战。Most of the major operations the ECFA and CPFA executed were offensive, but both field armies also carried out defensive operations aimed at creating opportunities for subsequent attacks.

作为锦州国民党嫡系守备团长的孙云龙原来早已被锦州地下党成功策反,准备在野战军攻打锦州时兵变起义。As jinzhou the kuomintang clique ShouBeiTuan long yun-long sun turned out to have been successfully deployed, jinzhou underground party to mutiny at the field army against jinzhou uprising.