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你的计划常常无往不利!Your plans are always successful.

我就像超人一样无往不利!I'm superman with the wind at his back.

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你的计划常常无往不利!OK. Your plans are always successful. OK.

他在商场上几乎无往不利,百战百胜。He is nearly ever successful on the market, ever-victorious.

他说,在中国做生意,会讲汉语将无往不利。Mandarin speakers can gain an advantage in doing business in China, he said.

花时间正确建立人脉,在任何经济情况下,都对你无往不利。Your network – cultivated correctly over time – can do the same for you in any economy.

只要你有梦想,有信念,有行动,你就可以无往不利,无所不胜!As long as you are dreaming , believing and doing , you can go anywhere and achieve anything!

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然而,水瓶座男人凭借聪明的才智、善良的天性,在人生中无往不利。However, Aquarian man's intelligence, good nature, friendliness definitely makes him successful in life.

洋医药企业何以在我国药品市场横行霸道,无往不利?。Why does modern medicine enterprise taste market tyrannize in our country medicine, go smoothly everywhere?

中央银行管理是一项微妙的艺术,在很大程度上有赖于央行让自己显得无往不利的能力。Central banking is a subtle art that rests largely on the institution's ability to convey an aura of invincibility.

在这个世界上,光曜一直是无往不利的,她想见谁就见谁,没有人能抗拒她的邀约。Guangyao went smoothly everywhere in this world. She could meet whoever as she wanted. Nobody could refuse her invitation.

他觉得年轻球员应该有几个老将压阵,这样才能无往不利。And he feels the youngsters, with the support of one or two old heads, are capable of going all the way in the competition.

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美国网球公开赛第一轮中,康纳斯的对手是一个初出茅庐的小伙子,他打得无往不利,以“直落三局”获胜。In the 1st round of the U. S. Open, Connors had a field day with his inexperienced young opponent, winning in straight sets.

英俊的外表令他在靡乱的交际场上魅力四射、无往不利。Brilliant appearance makes him be on the intercourse field of chaos of blown away by wind glamour 4 shoot, go smoothly everywhere.

经营事业,要顺应自然,集思广益,然后才去做该做的事,这样才能无往不利。Operating the cause, it is necessary to conform to natural, brainstorming, and then only to do the right thing, so as to always work.

“9个月前,如果你懂得设计超文字编撰语言,你就拥有整个硅谷最抢手的货,可以无往不利,”保罗·萨弗欧说,“今天的话就没人会理你了。”"Nine months ago, if you could program HTML, you had the hottest ticket in Silicon Valley, "says Paul Saffo. "Today it'll get a yawn. "

请些军师,参谋为你想点子,掌握机会,做起事来无往不利。With money, you may invite counselor to make out ideas so that you can jump at opportunity. Consequently, you succeed in doing everything.

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我们合作得很顺利,他也有无往不利的微笑,所以采访很少遇上障碍。We work together very successfully , and he also has or not in the direction of the harmful smile , therefore the obstruction is seldom meet in the interview.

中国人一向讲人缘,认为「人缘」是成功立业的基础,建立好人缘,无往不利。The Chinese people have always attached great importance to establishing good relations with one another, and consider them as the basis for personal and business success.

如果我们追求的是无往不利,政通人和的理想境界,那麽我们就得提高警觉,避免树立可能的障碍,以及避开现存的障碍。If what we sought were the interest and the ideal of good governance and peaceful people, we should not establish the possible obstruct or ward off them if they are already there.