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月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。The moon shines on Kyushu, grad.

清秋烟雨,情满九州。A misty rain, feeling full of kyushu.

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是的,这是九州饭店服务处。Yes, this is Holiday Inn reservation.

幽州远古时代的九州之一。Youzhou of Kyushu, one of ancient times.

九州学校是今天早晨刚刚成立的。Jiuzhou school did not exist until this morning.

北京九州环宇水处理设备有限公司。Beijing JZHY Water Treatment Equipment Co. , Ltd.

约翰,请问一下23路公共汽车去九州饭店吗?Excuse me, John, does the No. 23 bus go to Holiday Inn?

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显然“两个神骑定九州”的论点多少有点言过其实。The "two- shotting" is a little exaggerated in most cases.

无论是在青森、四国或九州,都曾见到我故乡那样的峡谷。In Aomori, Shikoku and Kyushu, I once see that kind of valley.

玉兔闹春,锣鼓齐鸣,九州欢腾,又一个春天到了!Moon make spring, drum uproarious, kyushu exult, and a spring!

九州之内有这样牛叉的功法吗?Nine states inside have accordingly the achievement means of cow fork?

四国和九州名列日本四大岛屿之中。Shikoku and Kyushu are the other two of the four major islands of Japan.

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九州清宴是圆明园景区中最大的建筑群。Kyushu-ching Yuanmingyuan scenic feast is the largest construction group.

来到北九州,我认为其中一半的人口都是老年人。Come to kit a city. I believe half of them are struggling along over here.

冬季日本九州西侧海域存在一个半封闭的涡旋。Kuroshio intrusion engenders an eddy at the west of Kyushu Island of Japan.

我的父母住在日本西部的九州,但是我并没打算要逃去那里。My parents are in western Japan, in Kyushu, but I don't plan to flee there.

那是自四极废,九州裂,女娲补天之后出现的难得的好日子。It was quadrupole since abolished-Kyushu, Nu Wa Sky after the rare good day.

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复课的第一天九州两千名学生中有许多人似乎勉强度日。Many of Jiuzhou's 2,000 pupils appeared to be struggling to deal with their first day.

1187年,赖朝任命他的儿子-忠久,作为九州南部大名。In 1187, Yoritomo appointed his son, Tadahisa, as military governor of southern Kyushu.

1998年在日本九州大学获工学博士学位。Xuan Qiwu received a doctor degree in Engineering from Kyushu University, Japan, in 1998.