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酣饮你的美酒。I'll drink your sweet wine.

沱江清流变美酒!Turning Tuo River into wine!

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不如饮美酒,被服纨与素。As the wine, Wan and clothing.

炎炎夏日,美酒相伴。Perfect wines for a summer day.

通透的玻璃杯荡漾着美酒流芳。Red wine popple sweet in glass.

这是一个梦,梦境又变为喝美酒。Turn all dream drink sweet wine!

含羞草花,美酒,皮革。Mimosa Flower, Port Wine, Leather.

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生活只有美酒,只有欢唱。No song unsung, no wine, untasted.

看客们或啜饮美酒、或豪饮冰啤。Onlookers sip wine and guzzle beer.

呼儿将出换美酒。Call them out to exchange nice wine.

请再满满倒一杯萨摩斯的美酒吧!Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!

将杯中满注撒密安美酒!Fill high the cup with Samian wine !

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将杯中满注撒密安美酒!Fill high the bowl with Samian wine !

享受美酒,也品尝友谊。He likes wine and enjoys comradeship.

快来朗格多克感受阳光与美酒吧!Come and Enjoy Sunshine and Good Wine.

他喜欢美酒佳肴。He loved gourmet meals and fine wines.

我们要称赞你的爱情,胜似称赞美酒。We will extol your love more than wine.

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呼儿将出换美酒。Call them out to exchange beautiful wine.

他们的客人在游廊里浅酌着美酒。Their guests sipped drinks on the veranda.

兰陵美酒郁金香。Fine Lanling wine expires tulip's fragrance.