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运用你的声音。Use your voice.

运用视觉教具。Use visual aids.

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但不要过分依仗它,灵活运用就是了。And don't overdo it.

运用ESIA方法对需要。ESIA methods used to be.

运用前摇匀。Shake well before using.

我能实际运用借记卡吗?May I use my credit biked?

认识运用工具的动物。Man is the tool-using animal.

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这些是我公家运用的东西。These are for my personal use.

这一部分是我私人实际运用的物品。These are not to my manal use.

运用隔离霜也是有必要的。Cream is also necessary to use.

这个相机是我私人实际运用的。The arrivedra is to my manal use.

他也在别的方面运用他的权利。And he exerts power in other ways.

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怎样更好的运用助动词?How to use auxiliary verb better ?

她能灵活运用掌握的大量英语辞汇。She has a large English at command.

视觉陈列中色彩的运用Using Color in Visual Merchandising

接下来,您要决定运用什么过程。Next, you decide what process to use.

我们要运用两个其他的想法。Well, we have to use two other ideas.

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你是如何运用你的课程的呢?And how do you apply your own lessons?

运用到社交圈里去“How can I apply them to my community?"

您在您的工作中运用到了人工智能吗?How have you used AI in your own work?