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但是,美台签自由贸易协定还遥遥无期。But no U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement is pending.

看起来欧洲债务危机得到解决的日子遥遥无期。A solution to the European debt crisis is further away than ever.

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他答应给我买套新公寓,但我知道那是遥遥无期的事情。He promised to buy me a new apartment, but I knew it was on the Greek calends.

但是在这们一个富人的,为富人而形成的,偏向富人的社会,人们期待的这点帮助还是遥遥无期。But in a society of, by and for the rich, that help will be a long time coming.

梅格叹息道,”妈妈说我到十八岁时或许会有,但还要等上两年,简直是遥遥无期。Mother says I may when I'm eighteen perhaps, but two years is an everlasting time to wait.

可像我们政府那样的管理系统,就是用来让这类问题的解决变得遥遥无期的。But it's exactly the kind of problem a system of government like ours was built to put off.

欧盟最近通过了拯救希腊的方案,不过欧洲债务危机的化解仍旧遥遥无期。Europe’s debt problems are far from solved, despite the recent bailout of Greece by the EU.

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至于有没有重归华尔街的希望,那就遥遥无期了。Araya is on the brink of losing it all and is doubtful that he will ever return to Wall Street.

不管怎样,AC米兰同样对阿梅罗有兴趣,而哥伦比亚人转会红军一事可能还遥遥无期。However, with AC Milan also interested, a move for Armero could be far more straight forward for the Reds.

美国确实曾空泛地承诺过用柳枝稷制造燃料或发展氢动力汽车,但这些承诺的实现却遥遥无期。Oh, there are vague promises of manufacturing fuel from switchgrass or powering cars with hydrogen—someday.

中东和平遥遥无期,因为以色列和回教国家仍然毫不妥协。Peace in the Middle East is a remote prospect because both Israel and the Islamic nations remain intransigent.

今年是他们逃亡50周年,但回到故土的希望仍遥遥无期。Tibetans marked the 50th anniversary of their exile this year, and a return to their homeland remains elusive.

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由于经济疲弱,利率看似在未来一段时间继续保持低水平,何时走出低谷遥遥无期。Interest rates, it seems, are going to stay lower for even longer than previously thought because of the weak economy.

此外,建立国民健康服务体系,这个奥巴马先生最孚众望的立法目标仍然遥遥无期。Moreover, Mr Obama's most coveted legislative aim, the creation of a sort of national health service, remains elusive.

最好将你期望的遥遥无期的事越早做掉越好,因为时间一长,恐怕连最初的期望也没了。Will you expect the best sight the sooner you do, the better, because a long time, I'm afraid even the initial expectations.

如果我们拿不出新的诊断制剂、药物和疫苗投放市场,消灭结核病就成为遥遥无期,或许无法实现的目标。Elimination of TB is a distant, perhaps an impossible, goal if we do not bring new diagnostics, drugs and vaccines to market.

联合国同意在利比亚设置禁飞区,直到现在利比亚的内战离结束还遥遥无期。The United Nations approves the no-fly zone to stop crimes against humanity in Libya, now in danger of becoming a classic endless war.

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这笔钱最终还是得从捉襟见肘的纳税人口袋里拿,而它的收益之日却遥遥无期。The money must ultimately be raised from pinched taxpayers and consumers who will not see the returns on the new investment for years.

很多人认为设定人生目标就是找一些遥遥无期的梦想,但永远不会实现。Many people think that setting a goal destination is having a dream that is there in the far distant future, but will never be attained.

确实,全面开展人道主义干涉行动会致危机陷入僵局,解决之日将遥遥无期。It's true that a full-scale humanitarian intervention would merely turn the crisis into the status quo and insure that it drags on forever.