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街上空空荡荡的。It was almost deserted.

昨天街上空空荡荡。The streets were empty yesterday.

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今夜的白马寺空空荡荡。Empty is the White Horse Temple tonight.

在这几个月里,城市空空荡荡的。During those months the city is deserted.

我们离开时,那地方空空荡荡,如坟墓一般寂静无声。The place was empty as we left, silent as the grave.

路上白晃晃,空空荡荡,只剩下遍地落叶。And afterward the road bare and white except for leaves.

这个下午,阳光在我安静的空空荡荡中,穿针引线。This afternoon, sunshine in my tranquil emptiness threads.

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小厨房的一角空空荡荡,看上去有点儿可怕。Its little shrine in the kitchenette seemed horribly empty.

俺看清自己是个凄凄惨惨破破烂烂空空荡荡的玩意儿!I've seen myself for the wretched, ragged, empty thing I am!

早上的轮渡空空荡荡,而博斯普鲁斯海峡在晨光中分外美丽。The boat is almost deserted and the Bosphorus lovely in the morning light.

机场像座鬼城,候机大楼空空荡荡,寂静得可怕。The airport was like a ghost town, the terminal was empty and eerily silent.

咖啡馆几乎空空荡荡,电幕轻声呢喃着一首温柔的乐曲。The place was almost empty. A tinny music was trickling from the telescreens.

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这是这些废墟中的一大讽刺,它们并非空空荡荡,到处都是东西,这是消费主义文化在整个建筑,整个城市的体现。This is the great paradox of these ruins. They are not empty but full of objects.

开始时他感到疑惑不解,现在看到谢伯顿仍然空空荡荡的,他到有些欣慰起来。After an initial doubt, he was relieved to see that Shepperton was still deserted.

空空荡荡。开出租的、酒店门僮、赌场里的人都说生意很不好。And the cabbies , clerks and all the casino people I talk to say it is really slow.

“这把戏太下作了,”亚茨拉菲尔说,两人走在一条空空荡荡的过道里。"That was a pretty low trick, " said Aziraphale, as they strolled along the empty corridors.

底层已经空空荡荡,木头的碎片堆在水流的方向。The ground floor has been erased, splinters of wood pointing the way the wall of water had gone.

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如果收件箱空空荡荡的我也会感到开心,无论是我自己的邮件或者系统邮件。Clear out your inbox. I get joy out of an empty inbox, whether that’s my email inbox or physical one.

车厢里空空荡荡,我们舒服地坐在软座上,观赏窗外一掠而过的橄榄树。We settled back comfortably on plump benches in an empty compartment and watched the olive trees whizz by.

她又想,那么大一幢房子,总该有些家什,不然显得空空荡荡的。In addition, she thought that there ought to be some furniture in the big house, or it would seem too empty.