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解除敌对国之间缓冲区域的军事管制。The bush acted as a cushion to my fall.

解除敌对国之间缓冲区域的军事管制。Demilitarize a buffer zone between hostile countries.

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战后那里仍然处在军事管制范围内。After the war, that place is still under military control.

桂林市军事管制委员会的建立。The establishment of Guilin Military Controlling Committee.

1974年,民主政治回到希腊—在7年军事管制之后。In 1974, democracy returned to Greece after seven years of military rule.

帝国士兵控制了卡西克,并对那里实行军事管制。The Imperial troopers took control of Kashyyyk, putting the planet under martial law.

恕我冒犯长官,但是在军事管制范围之外,军方在本土是没有司法权的。No disrespect, sir, but outside martial law, the military has no jurisdiction on home soil.

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毫无疑问,一些是来自世界的军事管制政府,很可能是甚至来自于其他星球。Undoubtedly, some are from the Military Governments of the world, and possibly even from other planets.

解除对该地区军事管制的举动距离南苏丹从北方独立出来还有三周的时间。The move to demilitarise the area comes just three weeks before the south is due to secede from the north.

阿巴斯想要和以色列谈判解除其对巴勒斯坦的军事管制,哈马斯却不惜一切代价发展武装部队。Whereas Mr Abbas was willing to negotiate a demilitarised state with Israel, Hamas is bolstering its armed forces.

“我希望整个会议过程中氛围良好,积极向上,我不想让人们觉得像是在进行军事管制。”他说。"I want it to be healthy and I want it to be upbeat, and I don't want people to feel like it's martial law, " he says.

当代的东南亚国家一直在试图平衡军事管制和民选政府之间的平衡关系。Modern Southeast Asian countries have struggled to balance the necessity of military strength with democratic civilian leadership.

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苏伊士运河连接地中海和红海,对埃及具有重要战略意义,运河的军事管制区域禁止拍照。Suez Canal connecting the Mediterranean and Red Sea, Egypt has strategic importance, military control of the canal zone forbidden to take pictures.

如果政变领导人可以走上国家电视台并宣布实行军事管制,这难道不说明事情的进展程度已经超越试图政变了吗?If the coup leaders can go on national TVand announce that they are imposing martial law, haven't things progressed pastthe point of being an attempted coup?

麦金利总统,在没有等待参议院行动的情况下,命令马尼拉的美国军事管制政府把它的控制扩展到了整个的菲律宾。President McKinley, without waiting for the Senate to act, ordered the American military government in Manila to extend its control throughout the Philippines.

菲律宾总统阿罗约的高级助手12日宣布取消对菲律宾马京达瑙省的军事管制,此前该省曾发生与选举有关的57人屠杀事件。Philippine President Gloria Arroyo lifted martial law Saturday in Maguindanao province where an election-linked massacre left 57 people dead, senior aides announced.

今年2月开始执政的军事管制政府很快意识到严重的饥饿问题,最近几个星期,一直在从国家粮库分发粮食。The military government that took power inFebruary has been quick to acknowledge the serious hunger problem andhas been distributing food from state warehouses in recent weeks.

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美国南方重建时期实行军事管制的主要原因,是巩固联邦统一及内战取得的民主成果,保持社会稳定。The main reasons for the military control in South Reconstruction of America is to consolidate the unity of the nation and the achievements of the Civil war, to keep the then society stable.