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椰林和滑石粉般细腻的沙子也会为沙滩增色不少。Coconuts and powder-like sand help too.

椰林棕榈,热带风味。Coconut trees and palms have a tropical flavour.

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我知道你喜欢海鲜蛤蜊汤,因为你喜欢‘椰林飘香’。I know you like Clam Chowder, because you like Pina Colada.

草地边上的小椰林里,椰树都光秃秃的没有了叶子。In the coconut groves at the edge of the field, the trees were stripped of leaves.

来晚一步的刀锋与王师北在东郊椰林相遇。To step in the evening of blade with the king in eastern north division meet homing.

我认为那是水的颜色,只能说它是画在椰林彩色墨水。I had assumed it was a water colour, only to be told it was painted in Yelin Colour Ink.

我不知道有李椰林只是因为我之后,中东和美洲土著艺术。I had not been aware of Li Yelin simply because, I followed Middle East and Native American art.

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东郊椰林刑场,在王师北的请求下,日军摘下他与楚河的面罩。His execution, the king east homing division north request, the Japanese shed his and bo Lin mask.

海南游,既能避寒放松又能享受冬日暖阳以及海浪沙滩和椰林,所以吸引了众多人前往。The coconut tree, beach, cozy sunlight and the sea, make Hainan a hot destination for this winter.

在亚龙湾,婆娑的椰林、碧蓝的大海和明媚的阳光构成了一个天堂的海岛。Coconut tree groves, blue ocean and bright sunlight make up an earthly paradise that is Yalong Bay.

悬在墨空的一弯月撒下清幽的光,在冒尖儿的鹅卵石子路上,印出了椰林的影儿。The crescent hanging on the sky pours down its soft rays printing the shadows of the coconut trees in the pebble path.

我在中国的关系,使我能够接触并发现了李椰林是驻地艺术家在成都。I had connections in China through which I was able to make contact and found out Li Yelin was a resident artist in Chengdu.

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草莓黛克瑞几乎与椰林飘有着同样的坏口感,但是使用新鲜的果汁和水果,口感则会大不同。The Strawberry Daiquiri has almost as bad a name as the Pina Colada, but made right with fresh juices and fruit, its superb.

午后的阳光穿过椰林洒落在我身上,与大自然牵手,与自然间的万物来一次心灵沟通。The afternoon sun shining down on me through the coconut palms, hand with nature, and nature, and all between them to a spiritual communication.

在夏威夷凯卢阿的科纳海滨,椰林成行,它们细长躯干的分支处总是垂悬着几只硕大沉重的椰果。Coconut palms line the shore in Kailua, along Hawaii's Kona Coast. The palms' lanky trunks support the heavy fruits dangling from their branches.

当年我看过的话剧“赤道战鼓”、“椰林怒火”、“非洲风云”深深地留在了我的记忆之中。The plays about Africa I watched back then are still vivid in my memory, such as the Battle Drum at the Equator, the Wrath of the Coconut Trees and the Storm of Africa.

国民党反动派出动军队进攻海南岛,红军和娘子军撤离椰林寨,南霸天卷土重来。The Kuomintang reactionary sent troops to attack Hainan Island, so the Red Army and the Red Detachment of Women evacuated from the village. Nan Batian then fought back again.

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墨水般的椰林交织著触须,张牙舞爪地评论风传来的骚动,在半月的见证下进行今日的审判。The inky coconut trees interweave their tentacles, clawing and rattling to comment the tumult delivered from the wind. Under the witness of the half moon, today's trial has begun.

大楼占地海滩的北端,中部和南部地区是完全无人居住,留下长长的黑幕椰林摇曳的热带海滩300米。The complex occupies the north end of the beach and the central and southern areas are completely uninhabited, leaving a 300 metre long stretch of tropical beach fringed with shady coconut palms.

椰林白沙、阳光蓝天、碧海温泉,露肩、露背都不会感觉冷,可以选择各式婚纱,在阳光下尽情舒展。Coconut trees white sand, sunlight blue sky and blue sea seepage spring, expose a shoulder, dew the backs can't feel cold, can select every kind of wedding dress and in the sun and heartily unfold.