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它正在显现!It is manifesting!

但当它显现出来之时,为时已晚。But by then, it's too late.

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他显现的时候,谁能立得住呢?Who can stand when he appears?

火及阳光显现,我就存在。Fire or sunlight makes me exist.

但是压力已经开始显现。But already the strains are showing.

雾中显现出影影绰绰的轮廓。Ghostly shapes loomed out of the fog.

面对着那正在显现、暴露的神性。To the Godhead now revealed, exposed.

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当人的内心平伏下来,真理就会自然显现。When the mind is serene, Truth shines.

神的旨谕在诗句中频显现。In verse the oracles divine were heard.

这种相对性将如何显现出来呢?How does the opposition manifest itself?

对数据的再分析显现不出与此前结论的变化。This “reanalysis” data showed no change.

这样触摸屏的真正力量就显现出来了。This touch-screen on a real show of force.

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柏拉图教育推动者的形象也显现出来了。where Plato's image as an educator drives.

在30秒之内,图案会完全显现。马克杯完全大变身了。In 30 seconds, the image will fully appear.

这个显现会与最后一个元素-乙太元素一起到来。That comes with the last tattva- the ether.

今天我的验孕结果显现阳性。Today, my pregnancy test came back positive.

也因此它显现于弟子浩的梦中。And hence it appeared in disciple Hao's dream.

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杰克和奈提莉跑动的身影在夜晚中显现着。JAKE and NEYTIRI run silhouetted in the night.

奎纳克林已在动物身上显现某些效用。Quinacrine has shown some efficacy in animals.

显现降临之云彩或上帝降临之云彩。Shekinah cloud or the cloud of God's presence.