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你看过这个颁奖礼吗?Did you watch the show?

欢迎参加我们学校的颁奖活动。Welcome to our school prize-giving.

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那是在2001年学院奖颁奖典礼上。This was at the 2001 Academy Awards.

利昂尼达斯离开颁奖台,拥抱教练。Leonidas leaves podium and hugs coach.

奥斯卡颁奖礼将于周日进行。The Oscars will be presented on Sunday.

欢迎来到第74届奥斯卡颁奖典礼现场。Welcome to the 74th Annual Academy Awards.

最后,再来个颁奖仪式。Finally, come again a prize-giving ceremony.

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而她则以颁奖嘉宾的身份出席最佳男歌手录像奖。She presented the award for best male video.

如果人不在颁奖现场可以代领其比赛所得的奖品吗?Can I take the award on behalf of my friends?

Post校区一年一度的颁奖典礼。It is the annual awards ceremony at the C. W.

今年的金马奖颁奖典礼将在11月26日举行。This year's ceremony will be held on Nov. 26.

第十三届华表奖颁奖盛典正在进行中。The 13th Huabiao award celebration is on show.

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1972年,杰克逊五兄弟在“灵魂列车”音乐大奖颁奖典礼上表演。The Jackson 5 appeared on “Soul Train” in 1972.

奥斯卡的颁奖典礼会在黄金档的时间播出。The Oscars will be broadcast during prime time.

还促使诺贝尔委员会公布了未出度颁奖仪式国家的名字。That prompted the Nobel Committee to name names.

明年的颁奖仪式将在巴塞罗那举行。Next year the ceremony will be held in Barcelona.

请在国际设计优秀奖颁奖仪式前提出要求。Requests must be made prior to the IDEA ceremony.

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何时用金银铜牌颁奖?When were gold, silver and bronze medals awarded?

凯文·史派西和莎朗·斯通主持颁奖典礼。Kevin Spacey and Sharon Stone emceed the ceremony.

用“时髦”一词形容当晚的奥斯卡颁奖晚会?Used the word "hip" with an apparent lack of irony?