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他被打的鼻青脸肿。He was beaten black and blue.

我要把你打得鼻青脸肿。I will beat you black and blue.

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警察把那小偷打得鼻青脸肿。The policeman beat the thief black and blue.

彼特和流氓大家弄得鼻青脸肿。Peter got black eyes in the fight with the rascals.

第一次滑冰的时候你照样菜,更是跌的鼻青脸肿。You fell off. First time you ice skated you sucked.

我很快就被揍得鼻青脸肿并失去了知觉。I soon became black and blue and lost my consciousness.

可以说我在市场里已挨了无数胖揍,鼻青脸肿了。I have taken a lot of punches and am bruised and bloodied.

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礼拜天早上,我们鼻青脸肿地回家然后睡一个下午。Sunday morning, we come home beat up and sleep all afternoon.

所以现在,他躺在医院里,鼻青脸肿,面目全非。So now he’s indeed in the hospital, with a swollen, unrecognizable head.

当时是夏季,不摔得鼻青脸肿才怪呢!At that time the summer, do not be strange if it fell and badly battered!

在偏远的郊区路边,鼻青脸肿的Nick清理着伤口。On the side of a distant rural road, a bruised and bloodied Nick cleans his wounds.

赛尔夫、马宏和林肯回到了他们的酒店套房,看到西奥多被打得鼻青脸肿。Self, Mahone and Linc return to their loft to find T-Bag, who has been badly beaten.

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他说,英式橄榄球完全符合他对鼻青脸肿的对抗和操到筋疲力竭的欲望需求。Rugby, he said, perfectly fit his desire for a bruising fight and an exhausting workout.

半裸的男人在冰冻的河里打得鼻青脸肿,互相乞求宽恕。Half- naked men in the freezing river beat each other black and blue , begging for forgiveness.

那个时候我收购哈茨队的举动已经使自己在媒体上被苏格兰人民揍得鼻青脸肿了,他们把我描绘成一个白痴。By that time I had been beaten black and blue over Hearts in Scotland where they pictured me as an idiot.

怪不得被打妇女之律师们一般都劝告被打得鼻青脸肿之妻子离婚。It is no wonder that counselors of battered women are inclined to advise a black-and- blue wife for porce.

由于在层层摞起的椅子上站不稳,我常常摔得鼻青脸肿。Since those stacking-up chairs are very shaky, I usually fell from them with a bloody nose and swollen face.

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那时候,医生要切开患者的脸和嘴,割开患者的鼻窦,把病人弄的鼻青脸肿,伤痕累累。Then, surgeons cut through the face and mouth, scraped out the sinuses and left patients bruised and scarred.

同格林宁练时,多米尼克不敢真使劲还击,所以,练完下来,常常是鼻青脸肿,精疲力竭。After his sessions with Greening, Dominic, who didn't DARE really to counter hard, was often bruised and exhausted.

她马上指出,父亲倒希望她不要选择危险而会被打得鼻青脸肿的拳击职业。Laila's father, she quickly points out, would prefer that she not take on the dangerous and bruising world of boxing.