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s层在4d层下面。s lies below 4d.

请在下面适当的空格打钩。What makes him tick?

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下面就是你要得到的。This is what you get.

下面我来告诉你们该怎样做Here's how to do well.

我在怪物的下面。I’m under the monster.

好,下面来做例题。OK. Let's do examples.

然后下面是路西法。Then Below is Lucifer.

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这在下面列出。This are listed below.

请看下面视频。Watch the video below.

我会在下面考虑这些。I consider those below.

这是下面要讨论的。This is discussed below.

在坚硬的电视外壳下面的其实是腐烂的内芯。In a nutshell TV is lame!

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页岩层在煤层下面。Shale underlies the coal.

它躲在一片大叶子下面。He hides under a big leaf.

我会给出下面的假定。I'll assume the following.

下面的三个声明。The next three statements.

在树下面也有两根!哈哈!There are two in the tree.

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你下面这里全湿了!You're all wet down here !

而下面的这个即是我高科技的门卡。And my high-tech door card.

他眼睛下面有肿眼泡。He has bags under his eyes.