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在有色人种居住区有套二室的房子。They had a two-room house in a township.

全国有色人种协进会章将支持迈克尔·维克。NAACP chapter will be out to support Michael Vick.

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我寒冷时,我是黑色的而你,却叫我“有色人种”When I'm cold , I'm black . And you , call me color.

美国全国有色人种协进会希望“N”字最终停止使用。The NAACP is hoping to finally lay the N-Word to rest.

梅因街附近的贫民窟里住着许多有色人种居民。Many coloured people live in the slum near the Main Street.

势利的英帝国堤坝阻挡着狂怒的有色人种的海洋。The dikes of imperial snobbery hold back a raging sea of color.

西海角省的大部分居民是有色人种。Colored people constitute a majority of the population in Western Cape.

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在对全国有色人种前进会上的讲话上,奥巴马劝告家长们要对孩子的学习上负责,也就是说要让将xbox扔掉,让孩子在正常时间睡觉。That means putting away the Xbox, putting our kids to bed at a reasonable hour.

库切对黑人和有色人种的复杂情感。The second chapter discussed Coetzee's complicated feelings towards the nonwhite.

但往往社会的弱势群体——穷人,没有受过教育的人,有色人种——得不到公平待遇。But too often society's underdogs – the poor, the uneducated, nonwhites – were not.

奥巴马和纽约州参议员希拉里.克林顿在2006年7月19日举行的全国有色人种协进会上交谈。Obama and New York Senator Hillary Clinton at the NAACP convention on July 19, 2006.

正如上面注意到的,哮喘在有色人种和贫困群体中更为流行。As noted above, asthma is more prevalent in communities of color and poorer communities.

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我并不需要哈伯.李来告诉我歧视有色人种是不对的。I did not need Harper Lee to tell me it was wrong to treat people badly because of colour.

论述了有色人种护发品市场的现状及未来发展趋势。The market situation and the future development trend of ethnic hair care products are related.

马歇尔和全国有色人种协进会的律师代表蒙哥马利市的黑人出庭辩护。It was Marshall and the NAACP's legal team who argued for Montgomery's blacks before the courts.

现实中,乔治亚州对于孕妇是个糟糕的地方,尤其是有色人种的妇女。In reality, Georgia is a terrible place for women of childbearing age, especially women of color.

调查表明,美国公民中,年轻女性和有色人种吸烟的比例较高。Studies have shown that young women and people of color smoke in disproportionately high numbers.

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尽管非白人妇女挣得更少,但是白人妇女和其他有色人种妇女之间的差距已在逐渐缩小。Although nonwhite women earn even less, the gap is closing between white women and women of color.

有一些标志、一些地方,你知道如果你属于有色人种的话你是不能去的。There were signs, there were places where you knew you could not go if you were a person of colour.

几个月后,她和另一个老师,当地全国有色人种协进会的会长约翰.帕斯卡私奔了。A few months later, she ran off with another teacher, John Paschal, the president of the local NAACP.