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它有13。6电子伏特。It is 13.6 electron volts.

就是一单位的电子伏特。That is one electron volt.

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这是每个原子所具有的电子伏特。This is electron volts per atom.

比较价格在电子伏特。Compare prices in electron volts.

他灌下更多的伏特加来促进思考。He oiled thought with more vodka.

我要买个二百伏特的变压器。I want to buy a 220 volt transformer.

这一次他们给凯姆勒2,000伏特。This time they gave Kemmler 2,000 volts.

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瓦特,26.5伏特,电视类乐队。Watts, 26.5 Volts, Class Television Band.

它最高大约为13,14,15电子伏特。It is up around 13, 14, 15 electron volts.

这相当于13。6倍的100电子伏特。This will be 13.6 over 100 electron volts.

当电压是零伏特时,绝大多数细菌存活。At zero volts, most of the bacteria survived.

或者用我最喜欢的单位,就是19。80电子伏特。Or, in my favorite unit, 19.80 electron volts.

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势能差的单位是什么,伏特。What is the unit of potential difference? Volt.

瓦,12.5伏特的线性混合放大器。Watts, 12.5 Volts, Class Linear Hybrid Amplifier.

伏特成功制造出了一种简单电池。Volta succeeded in producing a simple form of cell.

功率的瓦特数等于安培数乘以伏特数的积。Power in watts equals the product of amperes times volts.

如果我把这两个乘起来,库仑乘以伏特是多少?If I multiply these two, what is the coulomb times a volt?

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它的电压是直流电1.5-3.0伏特,通常在玩具店里可以找得到。It runs on 1.5-3.0 volts DC and is commonly found in hobby shops.

开关接通,1,000伏特的交流电猛击凯姆勒。The switch was thrown, and 1,000 volts of AC slammed into Kemmler.

用伏特表测量红色接头处的熔断点火装置开关输出电路。Using a voltmeter measure fused ign sw output ckt at the red conn.