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我把它重新放到我的手掌心。I put it back into my palm.

该怎么把月光握在手掌心?How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?

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从我的手掌心到我的左小指尖,先生。The palm of me hand to the tip of me left pinky, sir.

它们活蹦乱跳得像快乐的小精灵,跳跃在我们的手掌心来回的起舞。They live happy like the elf, jump in our hand and dance.

在他出生的时候,他小到可以放在你的手掌心。When he was born he was so small he could fit in the palm of your hand.

不过每次我看到这张照片,我手掌心都还是会冒冷汗。Every time I look at the picture, though, my palms still get a little sweaty.

她伸出她的手给马吕斯看,马吕斯看见她手掌心上有一个黑洞。She raised her hand to Marius, and in the middle of that hand Marius saw a black hole.

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接收者现在我要你在你前面握着你的双手,手掌心相贴。Receiver Now i what you to hold your hands out in front of you, with both palms facing.

刷完牙后,将刷头朝下甩干水渍,用手掌心或手指将刷头压至盒底,再将盒冒盖上放入旅行袋。After using, air -dry the brush , push it to the bottom of box, and finally cover the cap.

这些疹子并不发痒,通常局限于手掌心和脚掌底。The rash does not itch and it is usually located on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

宏观地看,它们都是在道的范围里蠕动、翻滚。但是,终不能跳出如来佛的手掌心。In macro view, thing squirms and turns in realm of Tao but it could not jump out of the realm of Tao.

宏观地看,它们都是在道的范围里蠕动、翻滚。但是,终不能跳出如来佛的手掌心。In macro view, thing squirms and turns in realm of the Tao but it could not jump out of the realm of the Tao.

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他匆匆上楼,拿来一把剃须刀,在羊头上抹上肥皂,将羊头剃得像手掌心一样光。He quickly ran upstairs, fetched his razor, lathered the goat's head, and shaved her as clean as the palm of his hand.

因为他看见小男孩两只手掌心上出现了钉痕,而且双脚的脚背上也有两个钉痕。For on the palms of the child's hands were the prints of two nails, and the prints of two nails were on the little feet.

宏观地看,它们都是在道的范围里蠕动、翻滚。但是,终不能跳出如来佛的手掌心。Amendment 99 In macro view, thing squirms and turns in realm of the Tao but it could not jump out of the realm of the Tao.

用手指按摩手掌心和脚后跟绕圆周方向运动。Start with the bottoms of your palms by clasping your fingers and rubbing the heels of your palms together in a circular motion.

“钻石魔眼”是一个让人一听就会产生把它捧在手掌心的极度欲望。Bandits, thieves, business people, politician or whoever heard about the Diamond Eye will desperately crave to get it in their hands.

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把糖和婴儿润肤油均匀涂抹于手掌心,然后双手合拢开始揉搓。Pour sugar and baby oil, enough to cover hands in the palm of your hand. Rub hands together, as you would rub when you apply a lotion.

施术者双手掌心对置受术者下肢后侧肌肉,稍用力抱紧,自上而下揉至踝关节处反复三至六次。The performer hold in arms tightly with two hands to the back lower limbs, rubbing from up to the joint of ankle repeatedly for three to six times.

法治好比如来佛,总统好比孙悟空,总统再怎么强势,也跳不出法治的手掌心,美国人民何惧之有?It's like the Buddha compared to the Monkey King. No matter how strong, he can't escape the arm of the law. What do citizens of America have to fear?