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第一个是邻近性。One is proximity.

请问邻近有没有旅游社?Is there a travel expert nearby?

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该村邻近森林。The village verges on the forests.

主要是因为邻近中央公园。Its nearness to Central Park was key.

邻近太湖大道,交通十分便利。The traffic of it is very convenient.

我们通常到邻近的商店采买。We patronize our neighbourhood stores.

他手脚并用,爬到了邻近的村子。He crawled on asls to a nearby village.

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突尼斯害怕邻近的利比亚。Tunisia is afraid of neighboring Libya.

这是一个邻近度和程度问题。It is a question of proximity and degree.

港塔大厦。是否邻近海港城?。Gateway Tower. Is it near the Harbor City?

我在这邻近掉了门钥匙。学习start。I lost the door key somewhere around here.

邻近的表演者届时会暂停。Nearby performers would stop at that time.

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这两家人住在邻近的街道。The two families live in adjacent streets.

证据可能在于我们邻近的星系。Evidence may be in our neighbouring galaxy.

春季邻近带来了温煦的气候。The approach of spring brings warm weather.

这泉里的水来自邻近的那座小山。The fountain is fed from the adjacent hill.

小城镇位于比邻近的山谷更远的地方。The small town lies beyond the next valley.

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他手脚并用,爬到了邻近的村子。He crawled on all fours to a nearby village.

一堵共用的墙将邻近的两所房连接起来。A common wall links the house to its neighbour.

祖鲁人征服了所有邻近的群落。The Zulus conquered all the neighboring tribes.