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实际上郊区贫困化问题正在日趋严重。It's increasingly a suburban issue.

建德投资环境日趋完善。Jiande investment environment better.

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市场日趋繁荣。The market is becoming brisker day by day.

随着年龄的增长,他对某些事情的看法日趋成熟。Age has ripened his attitude to some things.

自从我扩大商店以来,生意日趋兴隆。Business is booming since I enlarged the shop.

钛白粉在化妆品中应用也日趋广泛。Titanium dioxide in cosmetic, also widely used.

中国已在试图平息这一日趋严重的争议。China has sought to calm the growing controversy.

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VXI总线测试仪器的应用日趋广泛。The VXI bus instruments are increasingly applied.

现在的中德关系日趋成熟。Today, this relationship has become much more mature.

由于最近生病,老妇人的身体日趋衰弱。The old woman has been worn away by her recent illness.

随着市场的成熟,产品也会日趋同质化。When markets mature they become commoditized over time.

事实上,随着中国日趋繁荣,香港亦会受惠。Indeed, as China prospers, Hong Kong will benefit as well.

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传统林业的影子正在日趋淡化。The traditional forestry shadow is desalinating day by day.

到原始社会后期,舞蹈日趋成熟。These dances had ripen by the end of the primitive society.

中国第二大淡水湖泊洞庭湖日趋萎缩。Dongting lake is the second largest fresh water lake in China.

自从早期的研究工作至今,A-B型争端已日趋减弱。Since the early studies, the A-B issue has been getting weaker.

抓斗卸船机日趋于大型化、高速化发展。Grab ship unloader is large-scale and high-speed of development.

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我们用到的命令行变得日趋复杂。The lines of commands we have to write get increasingly complex.

乐安油田南区自1991年投入开发,至1996年底边水侵入日趋严重。The southern block of the LeAn oilfield was exploited from 1991.

数月来,局势日趋紧张,越发吵闹喧嚷。For months, both tension and noise had been gradually increasing.