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我烟抽得很厉害。I smoke a lot.

你伤患上厉害吗?。Bre you badly hurt?

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我咳得很厉害。I have a bad cough.

他疟疾害得很厉害。He got malaria badly.

我的耳朵痛得很厉害。I've got bad earache.

你咳嗽那么厉害,真得治一治了!The baby has a cough.

这人厉害极了。The man is merciless.

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多厉害的女孩啊!What a shrewish girl!

我的皮卡丘是厉害的!My Pikachu is awesome!

我的左腿疼得厉害。My left leg is stinging.

疼得更厉害了,越来越痛。The pain was smartening.

风已经变得厉害起来。The wind has pricked up.

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那些厉害的谈话者!These are great talkers!

我的伤口痛得厉害。My wound smarts terribly.

你真得很厉害。-你好,不好意思。You did good. -Hi. Sorry.

的牙痛得很厉害。had a terrible toothache.

我的肌肉痛得厉害。I have severe muscle pain.

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这支老式步枪坐得厉害。The old rifle kicks badly.

小路下倾得很厉害。The walk descends sharply.

他烟吸得很厉害。He is smoking very heavily.