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电车线是电气化铁路、工矿电机车等用滑接馈电线的总称。Contact cable is an important part of the electrical railway system.

因此,开展工矿废渣作硅肥的研究具有重要意义。So making the study of slag mucks as silicon fertilizer was significant.

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是造纸、工矿、污水、化工、食品领域首选产品。It's suitable for paper making, mining, sewage, chemical industry, food industry.

本文介绍了我国最大功率级斩波调速工矿电力机车的研制特点及运行情况。The developing features and operation of this kind of locomotive are mainly introduced.

适用于各类舰船、宾馆、机场、医院、工矿企事业单位。It is suitable for various ships, hotels, airports , hospitals, enterprises and institutions.

广泛应用于工厂照明、体育场馆、大型超市、展览馆、库房等需要工矿灯照明的场所。It can be widely used for lighting in factories , palaestra , Supermarket, Exhibition hall and So on.

例如,加拿大和美国公司在苏里南工矿领域利仍然扮演着重要角色。Canadian and American companies, for instance, remain important players in Suriname’s mining industry.

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在工矿自动化远程控制通信中,一部分通信结构采用的RS485总线方式。During the remote automatic control communication, the partial communication structure uses RS485 bus.

采用先进的工矿灯配光技术,模块化设计,可分路控制。It uses advanced Factory Lamp light dissipation technology and modular design. Branch control is available.

一种多用劳保工矿靴,由靴底、靴面和防砂套组成。A multipurpose labor protection miner boot is provided which comprises a sole, a top and an anti-sand sleeve.

城市和国有工矿棚户区改造安置住房建设和通过收购筹集安置房源的,执行经济适用住房的税收优惠政策。Areas where conditions permit, the city and state-owned mining can shantytowns projects to give loans to discount.

各设区市工矿商贸企业事故死亡人数不包括省煤炭集团,故小于总计。Mortality of mining and trading enterprise by region does not include the mortality of Provincical Coal Cooperation.

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欢迎各界朋友莅临永年县宏成工矿铁路器材有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。Welcome friends into a mining railway Wang Yongnian County Equipment Co. , Ltd. visit, guidance and business negotiation.

各地类重心分布发生一定偏移,耕地、居民点及工矿用地、交通用地重心偏移较明显,有向北移动趋势。The gravity centers of cultivated land, residential land, industry and mining land have shifted towards the north obviously.

工矿机电配件厂占地8亩,主要生产液压阀、磁性槽楔等,产品畅销。The Factory covers an area of 8 mu. Its main products are series of hydraulic pressure valves, which has a very broad market.

耕地、园地、居民点及工矿用地和水域的均匀度较高,多样性指数较大,但破碎化程度较高。Agricultural land, garden land, residential land and water area had the higher evenness, higher diversity and higher fragmentation.

执法部门、消防机构、军队、医院、实验室、学校、工矿是主要的购买者。Law enforcement, fire departments, military, hospitals, scientific laboratories, schools and prospectors are the typical customers.

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除草地面积减少,其余斑块面积均有增加,耕地、林地、工矿及居民用地变化幅度大。All the plaque area grew, except grass patches. Arable land, forest land, industrial and residential land has changed in a large range.

李克强近日在哈尔滨出席城市和国有工矿棚户区改造工作座谈会并讲话。Li Keqiang attended recently in Harbin City and state-owned industrial transformation of squatter settlements and to address the forum.

将艾比湖湖区土地划分为耕地、林地、草地、水域、工矿及居民用地、未利用土地、戈壁7类斑块。Aiby Lake region are divided into 7 categories, including arable land, woodland, grassland, water, industrial and residential land and Gobi.