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这个家伙总是一马当先。The dude always raced from the front.

内伊拔出了他的剑,一马当先。Ney drew his sword and placed himself at their head.

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2005年,巴西和委内瑞拉在这方面一马当先。The first to do so were Brazil and Venezuela in 2005.

真邪了,那匹马一马当先,他赢了不少钱。Surely, that horse came first bringing him a lot of money.

赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到内圈。A black horse was on the inside track at the start of the race.

程咬金一马当先下到坑中调配情况。Cheng bite gold take the lead down to the pit deployment situation.

我的领导风格是行动先于言谈,一马当先。My style is showing leadership through exa good instead of merely words.

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面对利比亚,总统一马当先,国际社会纷纷响应。With Libya, the president took the lead and the international community followed.

在1,500米赛跑中,他一马当先,其他选手在后面拼命追赶。He set the pace in the 1,500-meter race as the other runners tried to keep up with him.

狄青骑着他的法拉利,一马当先,带着面具冲到了战场上。The Di is green to ride his Ferrari, take the guide, take a disguise to hurtle to in the battlefield.

在亚洲,越来越多的创新项目获得众筹资金支持,中国在这一方面一马当先。More and better innovative projects are continually being crowdfunded in Asia with China leading the charge.

个股继续全线涨停,使得金融保险板块当日依然一马当先涨幅居前。Stock trading across the board to continue to make financial and insurance sector continues to lead the day's biggest gainers.

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邱杰作为指挥者,一马当先冲进了密布铁丝网和地雷的黑暗中,一边顺手扔几枚手榴弹。Churchill took the lead, charging ahead of the group into the dark through the barbed wire and mines, pitching grenades as he went.

我一马当先,抱着萍萍,带领着残余的木族人朝着山谷入口的方向冲去。I push to the front and hug the Ping Ping to lead the remaining wooden clansmen to flush away towards the mountain valley entrance direction.

在历史上这就是一个具有相当开放性的贸易中心,并于1932年在海湾诸君主国中第一个发现石油储藏,令其经济发展得以一马当先。It is historically a relatively cosmopolitan trade hub and was the first of the Gulf monarchies to discover oil, in 1932, giving it an economic head start.

金融企业,尤其是印度、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯联邦、土耳其等国的银行在这一明显的外国信贷热中一马当先。Financial corporations, particularly banks from India, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Turkey are at the forefront of this apparent foreign credit boom.

日本报社报道称他将在周五的党内选举中一马当先,接替鸠山由纪夫担任日本首相。Japanese press reports characterized him as the front-runner going into an internal party vote to be held Friday morning to choose a successor for Mr. Hatoyama.

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塔马什在欧塞尔度过了一个让人印象深刻的赛季,并且吸引了欧洲众多豪门球队的目光。多家法国媒体认为,尤文在这名球员的争夺战中一马当先。An impressive season has seen Tamas attract attention from a number of top European sides and several French newspapers believe Juve are at the head of the queue.

图三这张名为“英雄‘环’聚一堂”的照片拍摄于8月16日,牙买加选手博尔特在男子100米决赛中一马当先。Figure three this named "the heroic 'link ' poly a hall" the picture photography on August 16, Jamaican contestant Boulter pushes to the front in the men's 100 meters finals.

詹姆斯在东部明星队一马当先,砍下29分,12个板,10次助攻,从而和乔丹一样成为仅有的在全明星赛上拿到三双的球员。LeBron James powered the East rally, finishing with 29 points, 12 rebounds and 10 assists to join Michael Jordan as the only players with a triple-double in the All-Star game.