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这个螺丝活动了。This screw is loose.

那个螺丝松了。That screw has loosened.

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这个螺丝还没上紧。This screw isn't tightened.

重新装入保护螺丝。Remount the protection screw.

所有螺丝全上锈了。All the screws are wholly rusty.

螺丝没有上紧。The screw hasn't been tightened.

没有螺丝去打开他的装置。No screws to open up his devices.

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现在就拔螺丝所有螺丝。And now to unscrew all the screws.

重新装上后盖和螺丝。Replace the back cover and screws.

羊眼螺丝,羊眼螺栓,羊眼栓。Screw eyes, screw eye , eye bolts.

螺丝,螺帽及铆钉制造业“,”Screw, Nut and Rivet Manufacturing.

甚至更好,连小螺丝都没断一颗。Even better, the pegs didn't snap off.

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六艘一样的螺丝箝制钢造蒸气巡洋舰。Six twin screwed steel steam cruisers.

插入并且旋紧十字槽头螺丝。Insert and tighten Phillips head screw.

这个螺丝松了,我得把它拧紧点。I need to tighten this screw. It's loose.

接口处一颗螺丝锁定,组装方面。Interface of a screw lock assembly areas.

它们用来隐藏和保护内部的螺丝。It hides and protects the screws n stuff.

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研磨红铜叉,镀银上镀铑,120线孔,螺丝锁紧。One 120 cable terminating hole with set screw.

难啊,就连螺丝螺母都是中国产的,怎么抵制。Difficult as even nuts n bolts r made in China.

取出电位器螺丝的保护。Remove protection screw from the potentiometer.