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他辱骂那些男孩。He shouted insults.

他还记得自己辱骂美亚混血儿的事情。He remembers taunting Amerasians.

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阵阵辱骂冰雹般地向他袭来。Hailstones of abuse were pelting him.

他无情地辱骂了他的对手。He reviled his opponent unmercifully.

你被辱骂就等于是我被辱骂。I'll take the abuse if you'll take it.

两帮对立的球迷相互高声辱骂。Rival fans hurled abuse at each other.

他常常粗声辱骂同学。He often rasped insults to his classmates.

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那人辱骂萨科齐弄脏了他。The man accused Sarkozy of " dirtying me."

丈夫辱骂妻子将涉嫌违法。France 'to criminalize shouting at your wife'.

仅靠辱骂不可能败坏一个人的名誉。Insults alone cannot defile a person's honour.

老板动不动就辱骂店员。The boss is always bashing the shop assistants.

如果我平静地忍受这种辱骂,我会被耻笑的。If I calmly pocket the abuse, I'll be laughed at.

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连与他一起钉在十字架上的人也辱骂他。And they that were crucified with him reviled him.

他诅咒、辱骂和亵渎神的儿子。He cursed and swore and blasphemed the Son of God.

如果他有机会,一定会所有的对手都超级下流无耻地辱骂一遍。He would CNN all the rivalries if he had a chance.

我刚刚在私下里辱骂了毛。来抓我啊。I just insulted Mao in private too. Comepunish me.

“辱骂”这个词意思是“严重地侮辱,”The word, "revile, " means "seriously insulting, "

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女人讨厌男人辱骂女人或者说粗话。They hate men who abuse women or use foul language.

别让她的辱骂使你对你丈夫抱有偏见。Don't let her insults bias you against your husband.

老朋友们因为不愿意借钱给他而遭到他无耻地辱骂。He CNNs his old friends for not lending money to him.