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有个仁兄熟练地拉着这种二弦乐器。One man deftly plays the two- stringed instrument.

首先让我们看看用户头一次见到这两位仁兄会是怎样的感受。I want to first examine how the user is going to feel upon first glance.

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有一仁兄去看望他的老朋友,朋友家里有个小姑娘穿堂而过。A man is visiting an old friend when a little girl races through the room.

新泽西有位仁兄为了省钱,决定自己粉刷屋子的外墙。One New Jersey man decided to paint the exterior of his house to save money.

当虚拟鱼游得太靠近头部的时候,连那位富士通的仁兄也会吓得蹲下躲避。Even the Fujitsu guy ducked once when the virtual fish swam too close to his head.

这位仁兄想假装自己的苹果桌面是新发布的平板,把它揽在自己怀里。This man pretends his Apple desktop is the new iPad pro and cradles it in his arms.

有位仁兄买了新的宾士,晚上开到州际公路享受。A fellow bought a new Mercedes and was out on the interstate for a nice evening drive.

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这位仁兄年纪不小了,还在说胡话,所谓美国人的实用主义者也。This fellow isn't young anymore but still spouts nonsense, so-called American pragmatism.

也难怪,因为这位仁兄的名字,已等同欺骗?What else would we expect from the name of a man that has become synonymous with deception?

可是这位仁兄,他却对别人家的门房、仆人等态度恶劣,处处摆出一副身份特殊的模样。He should act at what a guest should be, but the guy was impolite to the servants and porter.

我住的地方,很晚都有一位仁兄勤练动听的低音管,那声音时常使我昏昏入睡。Where I live, some soul practices a lonely saxophone late at night, and the sound often lulls me to sleep.

哪一位仁兄知道2009年高陵县第一中学中考录取分数线?Which one place dear friend knows the first middle school of Gao Ling county in 2009 mid-term exam admission line?

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任何在美国年纪大得足以是看菜单那位仁兄都知道,在餐馆里,我们是被预期给小费给那些礼貌地清理我们的餐桌的侍者的。Any American old enough to read a menu knows we’re expected to tip as our server politely clears away our meal at restaurants.

有这么一个炸弹,如果它爆炸时能产生足够高温的火焰,这样就能够烧死吸血鬼了,不过前提是要那位吸血鬼仁兄得同意一动不动地让炸弹直接朝他砸过来才行。A big enough bomb would probably be hot enough to burn a vampire, but the vampire would have to agree to hold still and let it hit him.

他们开始认为在没有这位仁兄的时候他们不可以输球,他的杀手本性激发了队友同时又打击了对手的士气。They start to believe they cannot lose—not with this guy on the team. His killer instinct inspires them while demoralizing the opposition.

因此圣诞大餐里,除了火腿、甘薯、蔬菜、葡萄干布丁、水果饼、鸡尾酒之外,当然少不了火鸡这位“仁兄”了!The Christmas dinner, in addition to ham, sweet potato, vegetables, plum pudding, fruit cake, cocktail, little of course not Turkey this" man"!

本人对这些仁兄所作的再好不过的预测不敢恭维,不揣冒昧地也给出自己带有高风险的预测。推测如下。Having trashed the best efforts of some very clever people, this writer is compelled to reveal his own risky predictions for the record. They are.

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“这位仁兄就走进船舱自杀了,”正试图在特立尼达岛上寻找雷利营地的Klingelhofer这样说道。"The man goes into his cabin on the ship and kills himself, " says Klingelhofer, who is trying to find the site of Raleigh's base camp on Trinidad.

说到有心思但却不太正常的例子,有一位仁兄从芝加哥开完会后乘飞机回家,竟然买了一个厚批萨带给他的老婆。Speaking of thoughtful and unhealthy, one person who flew home from a conference in Chicago brought a deep-dish pizza back to her significant other.

这位仁兄正利用手拉、脚撑两股反作用力,把自己“吸”在岩壁上,这是攀岩动作中最困难的「背向后倚式」。Climbing without rope, this expert braces his feet against the rock while inching upward with his hands, one of the most difficult maneuvers in the sport.