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你的诡计已暴露无遗了。Your trick has been opened.

他的狼子野心暴露无遗。His wild ambition was thoroughly exposed.

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第二,把它记下来,让它暴露无遗。Second, write it down, to externalize it.

他的眼里闪着贪婪的光芒,使他暴露无遗。His eyes gave him away, shining with cupidity.

程海的野心暴露无遗,百万英雄榜不过是一场阴谋。Cheng hai ambitions are exposed, millions of heroes list but is a conspiracy.

你会在走廊与人闲聊,还把自己的弱点都暴露无遗吗?Do you chat with people in the hallways and reveal your own weaknesses to them?

那些瞬间的凝固与嬉戏,将我的抵触与不安暴露无遗。The solidification and larkishness of those moments exposed my conflict and anxiety.

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最近几个月,现代全球资本主义制度的失败已经暴露无遗。The failures of modern global capitalism have been brutally exposed in recent months.

但等秋天一到,凄风苦雨会把破败不堪的真容暴露无遗。But when autumn arrives, the wind and rain will ruthlessly expose the gaps and cracks.

人缺少诚意、耐性、没教养和不耐烦的一面暴露无遗。People lack sincerity, patience, no corrections and impatient side completely exposed.

杂志补充称,将你的DNA扫描结果记录在案同样“也会使你家族的DNA情况暴露无遗”。The journal adds that, having your DNA scan on record "exposes your relatives' DNA, too."

在他们公布的可疑的财产数据面前,他们欺瞒公众的企图更加暴露无遗。Their intention to defraud the public becomes evident in the dubious assets most of them declare.

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总统在呼吁合作的同时,将与共和党的意识形态分歧暴露无遗。While appealing for co-operation, the president laid bare the ideological divide with the Republicans.

但是,在接连输给佛罗伦萨、切尔西、桑德兰和里昂之后,球队强度的脆弱也暴露无遗。But consecutive losses to Fiorentina, Chelsea, Sunderland and now Lyon speak of a deepening vulnerability.

“分析人们在真实情境下的行为的优点是他们的真实想法被暴露无遗,”他说。“The strength of analyzing people in real situations is that their true preferences are revealed, ” he says.

如果坏男孩们在同一个地方、同一群人中待太久,他们的“变态”心理就会暴露无遗。If bad boys stay in one place and among the same group of humans for too long their psychopathy will be exposed.

一次偏激的离职会将你的错误判断暴露无遗,并且你的行为会很快传到你的潜在雇主那里,特别是通过社会媒体的宣传。An extreme exit can show bad judgment, and word can quickly spread to a potential employer, especially via social media.

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眉毛算是我们最富表现力的面部特征之一,时而紧蹙,时而上扬的眉毛将我们的喜怒哀乐暴露无遗。Eyebrows are one of our most expressive facial features—furrowed or uplifted brows leave no doubt about what we’re feeling.

我觉得我们有必要花点时间去做一下我上面所做的计算,这样别人给我们所设的圈套就会暴露无遗。I think we should invest the time to do the math as I’ve done above. The math will reveal the traps others have set for us.

网络社会就像一个金鱼缸,可以使每个人的隐私暴露无遗。A celebrity may live in a goldfish bowl. 2, The Internet society, like a goldfish bowl, may deprive of the privacy of everyone.