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她走起路来一扭一摆的。She walks with a wiggle.

他走起路来就好像他是国王。He walks as if he were a king.

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走起路来,不觉平添了几分尊严。A new dignity crept into his walk.

他左腿跛了,走起路来一瘸一拐地。His crippled left leg makes him limp.

他太胖了,走起路来像鸭子似的…He was so fat that he waddled like a duck.

你注意到没有狄更斯先生走起路来有些蹒跚?。Mr Dickens lumbered a little in his walk ?

他左腿跛了,走起路来一瘸一拐的。He is lame in the left leg and he walks lamely.

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他走起路来一瘸一拐地,和我上次见到他一样。Once I had a game leg, and then I went limping.

那是从基本的代码开始往上走起。That starts from the most basic of codes on up.

他左腿跛的,走起路来一瘸一拐地。His left leg is gimpy and lamely when his walking.

史蒂文走起路来像他想像中的英雄人物一样。Steven walked like the demigods he was thinking of.

他走起路来一瘸一拐地,和我上次见到他一样。He was limping as badly as ever when I last saw him.

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他自从膝关节受伤后走起路来一条腿一直伸不直。He has walked with a stiff leg since he hurt his knee.

它有长脖子和长腿,走起路来很像骆驼。It has a long neck, long legs, and a walk like a camel.

哈力是高个子,走起路来摇摇晃晃,有一头稀疏的红发。Hadley was a tail, shambling man with thinning red hair.

即的风好大啊,我们走起来都很清贫。And today the wind is so heavy . we can't walk very easy.

眼睛呈现出牛奶灰的颜色,走起路来还摇摇晃晃地。Her eyes were still milky gray, and she wobbled slightly.

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她走起路来轻捷柔媚,好象是在城里教养大的。She walked as delicately as if she had been bred in town.

但在这个故事中,一个瘫子竟能站立,并且走起路来!But in this story a paralyzed man stood up and started walking!

浸浴在这种环境里,他们走起路来是够愉快的了。Surrounded by these influences, they walked on pleasantly enough.