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上海金陵将增加一倍的价格。Shanghai Jinling will double its price.

回来之后,我们就去金陵。After coming back, we work to gold Ling.

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南京金陵饭店向您致以诚挚的问候!Greetings from The Jinling Hotel Nanjing!

我想他们正呆在金陵饭店。I think they are staying at Jingling Hotel.

您将直接向金陵帝斯曼树脂有限公司总经理汇报。In your position you report to the GM of JDR.

下午好,金陵饭店。能帮您忙吗?Good afternoon . Jinling Hotel . May I help you ?

妙玉是金陵十二钗中唯一的出家人。In the Twelve Maidens in Jinling, Miaoyu is the only nun.

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放飞青奥梦想,走进金陵盛宴。Fly with the Youth Olympics dreams, step into the Jinling feast.

但是唐金陵指出,这种方法会浪费很多时间和金钱,因为一些药物可能会在临床试验中被证明无效,从而浪费了此前的基础研究。But this approach could waste a lot of time and money, says Tang.

王艾明牧师,神学教授,神学博士,金陵协和神学院副院长。Rev. Prof. Dr. Aiming Wang, VP. Nanjing Union Theological Seminary.

伴着新年的钟声,金陵中学即将迎来他123周年的生日。New year is coming and Jinling High School will have its 123rd birthday.

非常感谢您选择入住南京金陵饭店。Thank you for choosing to stay in Jinling hotel during Mid Autumn Festival.

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游客可以在船上在码头上对东外滩金陵东路。Visitors can get on the boat at the ferry pier on the Bund on East Jinling Road.

金陵大学理学院成立电影教育委员会。Film Education Commission was formed in the science college of Jinling University.

介绍了金陵石化公司南京炼油厂焦化装置的几项技术改造措施。Some technical transform measures of the delayed coker of Nanjing Refinery are introduced.

大家保举的是位于云南南路与金陵东路路口的一个摊头。Our favorite, though, are from the stall on the corner of Yunnan Nan Lu and Jinling Dong Lu.

中国科学界过分追求各级奖励和奖项,唐金陵表示。Tang said that the Chinese science community is obsessed with rewards and prizes at all levels.

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“金陵小天堂”思想是太平天国革命的重要思想和文化现象。Jinling little paradise "is the important thought and cultural phenomenon of Taiping rebellion."

本章程仅适用于南京金陵百货有限责任公司联名卡持卡贵宾。The Rules shall only apply to VIPs holding Nanjing Jinling Department Store Co-branded Member Cards.

消费积分兑换奖励后,将从金陵连锁酒店-金陵百货联名会员卡“累计消费积分”中扣除相应消费积分。After awarding, the awarded score shall be deducted from the cumulative score in the Co-branded Card.