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合议庭的成员人数应当是单数。The members of a collegial panel shall be odd in number.

调解可以由审判员一人主持,也可以由合议庭主持。Conciliation can be conducted by a single judge or a collegiate panel.

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案件的判罚要尊重合议庭的意见。The penalization of cases should respect the opinions of the entire court.

合议庭的成员,应当是三人以上的单数。The number of members of a collegial panel shall be an odd number of three or more.

人民法院审理再审案件,应当另行组成合议庭。The people's court shall form a new collegial panel for the purpose of the retrial.

合议庭成员的更换情况应当及时通知诉讼当事人。The parties concerned in the case shall be notified the change of collegiate members.

第四十三条合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。Article 43 When deliberating a case, a collegial panel shall observe the rule of majority.

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合议庭又向张某亲属调查,得知张某之父精神不正常。The collegiate bench investigates to Zhang the relative, knew that Zhang the father spirit is not normal.

法官表示合议庭合议后将择日宣判此案。The judge states collegiate bench closes this case adjudicates choose an auspicious day after discussing.

第四十一条人民法院审理第二审民事案件,由审判员组成合议庭。Article 41 Civil cases of second instance shall be tried in a people's court by a collegial bench of judges.

第四十三条合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。Article 43 When deliberating a case, a collegial bench shall observe the principle of minority obeying majority.

合议庭则是根据合议原则建立的审判组织,负责对绝大多数案件的审判工作。Single Renting as a judicial organization is composed of a professional judge, the right to be tried for simple cases.

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人民法院审理第二审民事案件,由审判员组成合议庭。In civil cases of second instance in the people's court, justice is administered by a collegiate bench made up of judges.

评议应当制作笔录,由合议庭成员签名。The deliberations shall be recorded in writing, and the transcript shall be signed by the members of the collegial panel.

第二部分分析了我国现有的审判组织合议庭、审判委员会的运行情况及对审判独立的影响。The second part analyzed operation of collegiate bench and judicial committee, and their impact on judicial independence.

合议庭少数意见是未被判决主文采纳的判决理由,理论上具有可公开性。Theoretically, the minority opinions, which are not the verdict reasons adopted by the full court, can be made open to the public.

合议庭运行机制的正常运转,是合议制度健康发展的基础。Functional running of the Operating Mechanism of the Collegial Panel is the foundation for the sound development of Collegiate System.

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人民法院审判上诉和抗诉案件,由审判员三人至五人组成合议庭进行。Trials of appealed and protested cases in the People's Courts shall be conducted by a collegial panel composed of three to five judges.

人民法院审判上诉和抗诉案件,由审判员三人至五人组成合议庭进行。The trial of an appealed or protested case in a people's court shall be conducted by a collegial panel composed of three to five judges.

第二百零六条人民法院按照审判监督程序重新审判的案件,应当另行组成合议庭进行。Anew collegial panel shall be formed for the retrial of a case by a people's court in accordance with the procedure for trial supervision.