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这支圆珠笔是红色的。This ball-pen is red.

我们喜欢用圆珠笔写书。We like to biro book.

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不,这是一支圆珠笔。No, questa è una biro.

玛丽有一支新的圆珠笔。Mary has a new ballpoint pen.

蓝色的圆珠笔是我的。The blue ballpoint pen is mine.

谁发明了圆珠笔?Who invented the ball-point pen?

我想看一看你的新圆珠笔。I'd like to see your new ball-pen.

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平均每年有100人被圆珠笔呛死。On average, 100 people choke to death.

普通签字笔,油性笔,圆珠笔。General signing pen, oil pen, ball pen.

圆珠笔是由拜罗发明的。The ballpoint pen was invented by Biro.

拉斯烙-拜罗发明了圆珠笔。Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen.

请问,你看见我的圆珠笔吗?Beg pardon, but have you seen my ball-pen?

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为什么我们能用圆珠笔写字写得这么平滑?Why can we write so smoothly with ball pens?

我能看一下那些圆珠笔吗?Could I have a look at those ball-point pens?

圆珠笔而争吵起来了。The boys were bickering over some ballpoints.

那些男孩子为几支圆珠笔争吵起来了。The boys were bickering over some ballpoints.

请用圆珠笔或钢笔写。Please write with a ballpoint or fountain pen.

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你有多余的一支圆珠笔可以借给我吗?Do you have a spare ballpoint pen I can borrow?

“甲方向乙方订购一万支红笔芯的圆珠笔”。Party A orders 10,000 red ball-pens from Party B.

圆珠笔是没有感觉的。There's nothing that it's like to be a ball point pen.