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我知道你已经开始了一个新名词。I know you've started a new term.

这么多的新名词有什么用?What's with all the new terminology?

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对于很多人来说,他是一个新名词。To a lot of people, he is a new expression.

但我怀疑这个新名词的逻辑是奇数。But i doubt the logic of this new term is odd.

大多数设计师不愿意用新名词。Most designers wouldn't dream of using the new descriptors.

有些新名词描述了时尚圈不太光鲜的一面。A few expressions deal with the less glamorous side of fashion.

它不仅是建筑学上的一个新名词,也是人类生存史的新名词。Not only is it a new word in architecture, but in human living too.

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创作上,南社依然保留着“扯新名词以自表异”的痕迹。In creation, Nanshe still had the traces of using coinages to show their uniqueness.

第一次提出了“过线”和“鉴线”这两个新名词概念。The new concepts of "over-line"and "appraisal-line"are firstly mentioned in this field.

让时尚界意想不到的是,这些新名词正在对“不得体着装行为”进行重新界定。To the consternation of the fashion industry, the new terms are redefining fashion faux pas.

东莞制造,一个流行业界、扬名世界的新名词。"Made in Dongguan", a compelling phrase in the industry today, is gaining popularity around the world.

在姚明的左脚骨应力性骨折之后,我们又明白了一个新名词“传染性单核细胞增多症”。After Yao Ming's left leg bone stress bone fracture, we have understood a new term "the infectious mononucleosis".

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之所以需要新名词,有力地表明一些基本原理发生了变化,而且这种变化还是无法逆转的。The need for a new term highlighted the fact that something fundamental had changed, and that the change was irreversible.

利润包装,也称利润操纵,是近年来在会计界和证券界出现频率较多的一个新名词。Profit packing, which is also called profit manipulation, is a frequent concept in the accounting and the securities industry.

词源学者说,起初这些新名词是时尚界的密语,现在却逐渐进入主流。At first, the neologisms were a kind of secret language among the fashion industry, etymologists say. Yet they're going mainstream.

休闲文学的提出曾一度引起争议,这是西方休闲学引入中国后产生于文学界的新名词。The label of Leisure literature has been controversial, for it is a newly-coined word or term after the introduction of Leisure study from the west into China.

物流是个新名词,轮船招商局是历史研究领域中的老对象,如何写出新意是论文的难点。The logistic is a new term, China merchants steamship company is in the historical studies domain old object, how writes the fresh idea is the paper's difficulty.

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这是一个对于新的地质时代的一个新名词,人类对自己居住的星球所给予的巨大的影响极好的诠释这个名称,即使是在我们的大小城镇灰飞烟灭之后很长一段时间里,这一标记也会在地质记录中持久长存It’s a new name for a new geologic epoch—one defined by our own massive impact on the planet. That mark will endure in the geologic record long after our cities have crumbled.

日本人的健康意识向来很强,“代谢综合症”已成为日本的一个新名词。据2005年日本政府的一项调查显示,近三成的日本成年男性体重超标。Metabolic syndrome has become the new buzzword in health-conscious Japan, where nearly 30 percent of Japanese adult males are overweight, according to a government survey from 2005.

“天文地层学”是由旋回地层学等演变而成的一个新名词,可明确地与层序地层学等其他研究旋回的学科相区别。The new term astrostratigraphy proposed in 2005 and developed from cyclostratigraphy can be clearly distinguished from other cycle based sub-disciplines of stratigraphy, such as sequence stratigraphy.