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为学之路无坦途。There is no royal road to learn.

学无坦途。There's no royal road to learning.

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真正的爱情之路并无坦途。The course of true love never does run smoothly.

这样,才能适应社会,自强自立,才能走向成功的坦途。In this way, in order to adapt to social, self-reliance, to the easy success.

在医学领域没有包治百病的灵丹妙药,学习也没有坦途。While there is no cure-all in medical field, there is no royal road to learning.

想要打造一款支持许多类型设备的操作系统并非坦途。Scaling an operating system to support many various units isn’t a straightforward task.

人生多坎坷,爬过高坡,定有坦途。The life is much frustrated, climbing over a high ascent, certainly having straightaway.

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我知道,我脚下的路不会是一马平川的坦途,前方等待着我的还有数不清的荆棘与险峰。I know that the road up ahead is not smooth, with numerous brambles and precipitous peaks.

十年左右的强势经济增长,是走出深坑的唯一坦途。Strong economic growth, for a decade or so, offers the only comfortable way out of the hole.

他在青训队做地十分地棒,他的潜力非常好,他未来的路肯定是一片坦途。He also did really well with the reserves. He's got great potential and a great future ahead of him.

有时是死路一条,有时迎面而来的是条光明坦途,在此我们能发现一些真正激动人心的东西。Sometimes they're dead ends. Sometimes they open up into broad avenues and we find something really exciting.

相信基督意味着生活将会变得卓越,不可思议,充满意义与目标,但并非一片坦途。Our lives in Christ are meant to be extraordinary, incredible, meaningful and purposeful but never trouble-free.

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随着项目的逐渐成熟,难道你不愿意自己编写代码的道路通向坦途,而非走向荆棘丛生的崎岖小径?Wouldn't you just love to create code that becomes easier to work with as the project matures rather than more difficult?

奥巴马正在推动一份具有冒险精神的共同声明的达成,这将帮助全世界走上一条无核化的未来坦途。He is pushing for a bold collective statement that will help set the world on a trajectory to a future without nuclear weapons.

人生之途并非坦途,途中难免有成功和失败,自信和失落,美好和痛苦……Life never goes smoothly all the way, in which there are inevitably success and failure, confidence and upset, happiness and pain.

依靠服务业和内需向高工资经济转变,不会是坦途。The transition to a higher-wage economy, with a bigger role for service-sector output and domestic consumption, won't be straightforward.

世间无坦途。每次做一件事情,万事次第发生。缓慢成长的事物才长久。There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, and all things in succession. That which grows slowly endures. ---J. G. Holland.

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虽然1999实施的高校扩招政策为许多人铺设了通向理想的坦途,但就业之路却成了千军万马要过的独木桥。The increased policy that took effect in 1999 opened the path of dreams for many, but the bridge to employment led to a narrower path for more.

我们之所以那么做是因为我们热爱冒险,每一个野心勃勃的记者都懂得战争冲突为他们创造了一条通向名誉的最快最荣耀的坦途。We did it because we loved adventure and every ambitious journalist knows that conflicts offer the fastest and most glamorous path to a reputation.

我们奔走于天地间,每一次跋涉都全力以赴,而每一条道路都是曲折回环。路上没有不变的风景,没有笔直的坦途。Between Heaven and Earth, every single step of ours is at full throttle, while every single road is twisting and turning. There is no constant view.