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不要像一条酸软的鱼在晃动。And don't shake like a limp fish.

酸软酪对身体很好。Yogurt is very good for your body.

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他挖呀挖呀,直挖得双臂酸软无力。He dug and dug until his arm gave out.

腰背酸软,肢体困重。Back and knees, body weight difficulties.

性爱后,第二天膝盖酸软是肾虚吗?After sex, knee soreness the next day the kidney do?

奶沫太多总会使茶带上一种酸软的味道。Milk that is too creamy always gives tea a sickly taste.

我的膝疼痛,我的腿酸软。主啊,我的心呼吁你。My knees ache and my legs weaken. and my heart longs for you, my Lord.

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我的双膝因斋戒而酸软,我的肉体已经消瘦不堪。My knees have become weak from fasting, my body is wasted of its substance.

它的痛感为整个腰部绵绵作痛、隐痛,酸软无力。It's pain for the whole of the waist, followed by Zuo Tong, pain, weakness Suanruan.

不过,这样的姿势时间一长,妈妈的手臂和腰背就容易感觉酸软。However, pose a long time, so my mother's arms and back would be easy to feel weakness.

经常头晕牙龈爱出血,肌肉酸软,跟白细胞减少症状有关吗?。Often giddy gum loves to bleed, muscle aching and limp, reduce a symptom to concern with leucocyte?

想想那欠薪的条子,想想那老板的嘴脸,想想那还在远方的家人的支持,双腿就那么酸软。Think of the wages the sliver, think of the boss's face, think of the still distant family support, the legs so limp.

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伴畏寒肢冷,腰腿酸软,口淡不思饮食,面色暗淡,舌质淡或淡紫,少苔,脉沉细无力。Insufficiency with chills, paste and legs, I do not think of eating fresh, looking bleak, Tongue short lilac or less moss, pulse unable Shen Fine.

右耳有堵塞及耳鸣的感觉,大小腿酸软无力,身体有的部位会抖动。The right ear be blocked and feel noise sometimes, with all my legs without enough strength to stand well. Some parts of body can tremble very much.

虽然许多不同的问题可能会出现因糖尿病神经病变的结果,但常见症状还是麻刺感,疼痛,麻木,或手脚酸软。Although many different problems can occur as a result of diabetic neuropathy common symptoms are tingling pain numbness or weakness in the feet and hands.

虽然因糖尿病性神经病会引发许多不同的问题,但常见症状还是麻刺感、疼痛、麻木或手脚酸软。Although many different problems can occur as a result of diabetic neuropathy, common symptoms are tingling, pain, numbness, or weakness in the feet and hands.

反复重复以上动作,臀部肌肉有酸软的感觉,每次练习要坚持3分钟,每日可重复练习数次。Repeat above act repeatedly, coxal muscle has the feeling of aching and limp, practice wanting to hold to 3 minutes every time, daily can repeat an exercise several times.

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十三人进食带子后出现食物中毒现象,出现头晕、手脚酸软同视线模糊的现象。Thirteen people came down with scallop poisoning. The patients developed nervous system-related symptoms including dizziness, limb weakness, and blurred vision after eating steamed scallops.

可是幸亏这回只病了一夜,第二天早晨就退烧了,穿上带着号的衣服就赶快去上工了,虽然浑身酸软,可是不干活不行呀!Fortunately, the fever just lasted a night and came down the next morning. Dressed in the clothes with numbers, I hurried to work. Though still ached all over, there were no alternatives for me.