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请带我到孔庙去。Please take me to the Confucian Temple.

然后他将参观曲阜的孔庙。Then he will visit the Temple of Confucius in Qufu.

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南京夫子庙是中国规模最大的孔庙。Nanjing Confucius Temple is the largest temple in China.

走进台北孔庙,首先看到的就是棂星门。Taipei´s Confucius Temple, the first to see that Lingxing-door.

今天,上百名学生聚集在孔庙前表达他们的敬意。Today hundreds of schoolchildren gathered to pay their respects.

在曲阜的孔庙生活着多种鹭鸟。There live many kinds of egrets in the Confucian Temple in Qufu City.

在孔庙里,道教和佛教的神灵都可以拜。In Confucian temples both Taoist and Buddhist divinities were worshipped.

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数以千计的佛塔和孔庙散布在风景区。Thousands of Buddhist pagodas and Confucian temples spotted the landscape.

从唐司令的召集贴才得知衢州有南宗孔庙的。I learned the South Confucious Temple only after reading Commander Tang's calling post.

所以,要了解这条街,就得先知道国子监和孔庙。To deepen understanding of this street, you should know Guozijian and Confucius Temple first.

在孔庙周围的是龙演变成其他动物的石像。All around the temples there were statues of dragons that have been morphed with other animals.

启蒙教育开笔礼一般在孔庙举行,孩子们要穿上传统服装,老师们在学生们的额头上点红痣,名为开天眼。Second, The teachers give a red dot on pupil's forehead , which are called opening the wisdom eye.

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这些作品将会在曲阜孔庙诗礼堂集中展示,并请游客投票参与评选。They will be exhibited in the Temple of Confucius in Qufu, and visitors can vote for their favorite.

孔庙又叫夫子庙、孔子庙、文宣王庙、文庙。Confucian temple known as Confucius Temple, the Confucius Temple, the officer in Temple, Confucian Temple.

孔庙保存汉代以来历代碑刻2000多件以及超过100件画像石。Confucius' Temple is famous for its 2000 stone steles and more than 100 portrait stones from the Han Dynasty.

泮池作为孔庙水池的特有型制和专用名称,具有特殊的文化寓意。Pan- chi, as a unique structure and name for the pond in Confucius temple, signifies special cultural morals.

北京明城墙遗址公园,雍和宫,孔庙,动物园,首都博物馆观光一日游。Beijing Day Tours-Ancient City Wall Ruins , Tibetan Lama Temple, Confucius Temple, Panda Garden, Capital Museum.

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下面上一组衢州南宗孔庙的照片,谢谢大家观看。The followings are a group of pictures taken in South Confucious Temple in Quzhou last week. Thanks for watching.

棂星门是孔庙特有的一种建筑形式,通常面宽大至七开间,并采取歇山重檐屋顶。Confucius Temple Lingxing-door is a unique architectural style, often voluminous large seven-bay, and take Xieshan roof eaves.

除了孔庙,游客还可以去参观外边的庭院,在那里共有1000多件石碑和10万多座墓冢。Besides the temple, visitors can enjoy the grounds outside, where there are more than 1000 stone tablets and over 100 000 tombs.