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我想开美元帐户。I prefer a USD account.

用银行帐户支付。Pay with your bank account.

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我们没有支票帐户。We have no checking account.

人正在那里有一个收票存款帐户。I have a checking account here.

结果帐户又不封了!Results not closed the account!

什么是“帐户签字人”?What is an "account signatory"?

他的帐户经常透支。He often overdrafts his account.

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我怎样开通一个hotmail帐户?How do I open a hotmail account?

完成你的退休帐户。Top off your retirement account.

获取您自己的高级帐户了!Get your own Premium-account now!

我想开一个活期帐户。I want to open a current account.

什么是活期储蓄帐户?What's a current savings account?

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要一张全国通用的帐户卡Get a Nationwide Flex Account card

你在我们银行有帐户吗?Have you got an accout in our bank?

我想要开个定期存款帐户。I think I’d like a deposit account.

美国用户可以继续使用NETELLER帐户吗?。Can I still use my NETELLER account?

我可以在多个帐户上面使用BURU吗?Can I use BURU on multiple accounts?

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然后单击管理其他帐户。Then click on Manage another account.

你想开一个活期存款帐户吗?Do you like to open a current account?

减少用户帐户上的存款额Reduce the balance in the user account