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已经建起了装配流水作业线。Assembly lines have been set up.

钢笔的生产是一项流水作业。Pens are produced through a flow process.

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整套系统的设计为实现装配线自动流水作业奠定了基础。The whole design of system will lay the foundations for assembling automatic flow process.

本公司主要生产设备200余台,并建成多条流水作业线。There are more than 200 sets of producing equipments and several assembly lines in the company.

流水作业调度问题在理论和实践方面均是一个著名的难题。Flow-shop scheduling problem is known to be notoriously intractable, both in theory and practice.

高效,以流水作业的方式提供全程、高效的服务,提升我们的价值。Efficiency, through the streamlined work we provide full and efficient service, enhance our value.

研究了一类流水作业质量检验的机床组合问题。The problem of the combination of machines for flow shop quality inspection is studied in this paper.

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本文研究含有批处理机的三台机器流水作业加工总长问题在某些情形下的计算复杂性。This paper is concerned with the makespan problem of scheduling groups of jobs in two machine open shop.

本机适用于板式家具、实木复合地板、平面板工艺品、竹木窗帘等流水作业的工件输送。This machine is designed to convey the work piece of the plate furniture , the composite floor and so on.

已证明装配式流水作业排序问题是NP完全问题,没有好算法。Because scheduling problem of assembly flow shop is proved NP-complete and hence there exists no "good" algorithm.

研究了一类流水作业质量检验的检验设备组合问题。The problem of the combination of inspection facilities for flow shop quality inspection is studied in this paper.

用ZCYS振动机组装备的试验采场,实现了出矿和运输的连续流水作业。A experimental pit equipped with ZCYS vibrator lots brings about continued, streamlined drawing and hauling operation.

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它不仅带有常规的时序和资源约束,还带有流水作业所带来的特殊约束。It is subjected to regular precedence and resource constraints as well as special constraints yielded by flow processes.

传统的用手工操作的沙琪玛制作过程,今用机械化流水作业所代替。Manual operation is the traditional product process of make Saqima, now it is replaced by mechanized current production.

以前被分成许多部分,工作流水作业,从一个部门转到另一个部门,你是知道的。It used to be very much departmentalized , with work being done in series, you know, passed from one department to the next.

ZS系列分层筛适用于流水作业,是大小颗粒比例不等过筛连续出料的理想设备。ZS series vibration sieve is suitable for in line production. It is an ideal device for granule that has uneven size to sieve continuously.

本机为高档布面胶鞋流水作业设备,能完成从帮面上楦到鞋子进硫化罐前的流水传送及烘干工序。This machine that is designed for gluing the cloth-surfaced upper rubber shoes can achieve from lasting to vulcanizing and drying the shoes.

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公司拥有多条自动化流水作业线,以及先进的生产和检测设备,具有很强的生产及销售能力。The company has more than assembly-line automation line, as well as advanced production and testing equipment, has a strong production and sales capacity.

世界上主要农机化发达国家大多采用分段作业法,而我国大量采用流水作业法。The separate operation is widely used in many developed countries on agricultural mechanization, but the flow operation method is largely adopted in China.

针对可重构制造这一新的制造模式,研究一类非周期可重构流水作业的建模与优化问题。The problem of acyclic reconfigurable flow shop modeling and optimization is studied for the new manufacturing paradigm-reconfigurable manufacturing system.