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味精。monosodium glutamate.

在汤水中加味精调味吧!Season soup with Accent!

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我只在做汤时加味精。I only use Accent for soup.

味精对我而言是一个主要的过敏原。MSG is a major trigger for me.

好的,但是,请不要放味精。Ok. But, please don't put any MSG.

河南省莲花味精集团莲花服装有限公司。Henan lotus gourmet power group lotus habiliment co. ltd.

这并不奇怪,因为在鸡肉沙拉中也有味精。Not surprisingly, the chicken in the salads also has MSG.

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味精也称为味精增味剂,呈白色晶体状。MSG also known as MSG by flavor agent, a white crystal-like.

大多数食品制造商仍在食品中添加味精。Most of the food manufacturers still add MSG into their food.

你千万别忘了,因为我对味精过敏。Customer It's important that you do because I'm allergic to MSG.

还有更多的电子商务它它---请味精更详细的我。There is more e-commerce it it --- please msg me for more detail.

除了这些以外,小柯点的菜里还放了很多味精。Besides all that, the food that Little Ke ordered had a lot of MSG in it.

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在我生活的中国,你很少会听到味精过敏一类的投诉。In China, where I live, you don't hear many complaints about MSG allergy.

我妈妈非常注意饮食健康,做菜时放很少的味精和盐。My mother is health-conscious and prepares food with little MSG and salt.

嗯,来两瓶青岛啤酒。菜里不要放味精,少放辣椒。Yes, two bottles of Qingdao beer, no MSG and only a little spicy, please.

看看您能否在以下Wendy的成分清单中发现防晒品,味精,和肥皂。See if you can spot the sunscreen, MSG, and soap in this Wendy's ingredient

在面皮上调入盐、味精、生抽、醋、大蒜水、最后放入辣椒油,拌匀即可食用。Finally, put the salt, light soy sauce, vinegar, garlic water and chili oil.

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上等海蜇皮、精盐、味精、胡椒粉、葱、精制油。Superior jellyfish, refined salt, MSG, pepper powder, scallion, refined oil.

谢谢你的提醒,您能告诉厨师不要往菜里放味精吗?Thanks for your reminding, could you tell the chef not to put the MSG in it?

鸡,肉汁,甚至水稻都有添加味精。The chicken, the gravy, and even the rice all have monosodium glutamate added.