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学识浅陋是一件危险的事。Little learning is a dangerous thing.

学识浅陋是险事。A little learning is a dangerous thing.

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很多人对于救赎计划仅有很浅陋的认识。A lot of people have a rather shallow view of the plan of salvation.

但并非浅陋,而是有着深沉的感情与充实的内容。And they wasn't meager, but had deep affection and rich contents. Why?

尊敬的老师,小女浅陋无知,承蒙您教诲。All you have accomplished, honourable teacher, for my backward daughter!

狡狯之徒鄙视读书,浅陋之人羡慕读书,唯明智之士活读活用。Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them.

笔者不揣浅陋,将自己思考的一些问题坦陈如下,供大家批评。Author bold mean, will ponder some question Tanzania Chen is as follows, for everybody criticism.

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笔者不揣浅陋,拟就此作一初步探讨,敬请指正。Author bold mean, plans to make a preliminary discussion in light of this, asks respectfully to point out mistakes.

他暗示自祭灾章服府月配给卡减上夫妻两人浅陋的报答仅够撑持两个星期的食品。Rodriguez srear endistance his monthly government r card plus his brilliish wife's meager snosaries only covered two weeks' worth of food.

本文所勾勒的电视广告叙事学研究模式虽有许多粗疏浅陋之处,却也希望能为这一领域的研究作一些有益的探索。The aim of this thesis was to make some helpful research in this region though the research mode which was built in the thesis was still insufficient.

我生命中所有的浅陋和纠结,化入一道甜蜜的和谐---对你的崇敬如一只快乐的飞鸟,在海面上张开双翼。All that is harsh and dissonant in my life melts into one sweet harmony---and my adoration spreads wings like a glad bird on its flight across the sea.

基于这种考虑,笔者不揣浅陋,对这一问题进行了一定的思考和实证研究,有着较强的现实意义和理论价值。Based on this consideration, I guess not shallow, the issue of a certain amount of reflection and empirical research, has a strong practical and theoretical value.

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在生活中,常常会发生这机关报事情,有些聪明的人说自己愚笨,有才干的人说自己无能,学识渊博的人说自己浅陋。In life, often what will happen this organ, and some smart people say they stupid, talented people who say they incompetent, knowledgeable people who say they shallow.

本文拟借用现代性理论对黄遵宪诗歌进行一番总体关照,并不揣浅陋地希望以此来深化现代性理论的研究。This thesis aims to make an analysis of the modernity issue concerning the poems by Huang and at the same time attempts to deepen the study of modernity theory itself.

由于本人学识浅陋,虽已努力,但对于所涉及问题也只作了力所能及的探究,不当之处还望专家老师不吝赐教。Because of my meager knowledge, although the efforts, but only questions involved were made to explore its capabilities, inappropriate Teacher experts look to the wing.

故而人们常用“民间信仰”取代迷信一词,既传达一种纯朴的意味,且“民间”两字中也尽含浅陋之义。Hence, the alternate term " folk belief" is often employed, carrying with it the connotations of unsophistication and ignorance that the word " folk " has in popular usage.

你从不回避大山的沉重,你从不鄙视水潭的浅陋,你像岩石那样坚定,你把风暴当作前进的动力,你是我学习和生活中真正的友人。You never avoid the heaviness of big mountain, you never despise the shallowness of the pool, you are as steady as rock and look storms as the real friend in my study and life.

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你从不回避大山的沉重,你从不鄙视水潭的浅陋,你象岩石那样坚定,你把风暴当作前进的动力,你是我学习和生活中真正的友人。You never avoid the heaviness of big mountain , you never despise the shallowness of the pool, you are as steady as rock and look storms as the real friend in my study and life.